Thursday, October 17, 2024

In For a Benny #3 - Escort Duty


#3 - Escort Duty

Samuela has released Lola ‘Beach Bunny’ to the custody of Ozzie, Morrigan, and Starkweather. Lola has provided the location of a bridgehead that is often under the observation of the Gun Bunnies. The party is hoping to exchange Lola for some form of parley with the leadership of the Gun Bunnies and secure at least a truce in respects to Cardania property, as well as information as to what has occurred at Benny.

Encounter Check (2-in-6): 1 - Encounter

Several figures, four in total, mill near the bridge as the APC pulls up. Morrigan slows to a halt, seeing this group is made up of dogfolk that are wearing simple street clothes suggesting they had come from Benny. The issue was their manner, a slow shuffle on the bridge, rather than a formation or even natural, albeit nervous patient of survivors.

“What do you make of this, Ozzie?” Morrigan asks the Otter.

“I don’t know,” Ozzie replied, “I’ll go and check. Starkweather.” The two men pass a tethered Lola as they step out the side door onto the ground.

The figures make a Perception check to detect the sound of an approaching Ozzie. Perception: 19 - They spot him.

Do Ozzie & Starkweather comprehend the danger ahead? Perception: 14 & 25 - Yes, Starkweather puts a hand on Ozzie’s shoulder to warn him.

The dogfolk are actually ‘Psycho Zombies.’ Creatures that have been transformed by experimentation into savage ferals. These creatures have escaped the confines of Benny and have been wandering the countryside, looking for food and carnage. One of the Dogfolk howls when they spot Ozzie and Starkweather, but neither are surprised.

Round #1 Initiative
Party: 19
GM: 16

Ozzie fires a Blaster Rifle at Zombie #1. Attk: 24 - Hit. D: 10. Zombie #1 HP: 6/16

Starkweather fires a Blaster Rifle at Zombie #1. Attk: 19 - Hit. D: 7. Zombie #1 HP: 0/16 - Slain

Morrigan moves from the driver seat out the side door and draws her Blaster SMG. She attacks the area with a burst. Targets must make a Dex 15 Save to Negate. Her attack targets an MBT (2d4): 7 - All three zombies must make Saves.

Z2: 17 - Success
Z3: 15 - Success
Z4: 13 - Failure. D: 11. Zombie #3 HP: 5/16

Zombie #2 rushes Ozzie and attacks with a club. Attk: 23 - Hit. D: 7. Ozzie HP: 18/25

Zombie #3 rushes Starkweather and attacks w/ a club. Attk: 14 - Hit. D: 7. Starkweather HP: 18/25

Zombie #4 rushes Ozzie and attacks w/ a Club. Attk: 7 - Miss

Round #2
Ozzie takes a five foot step and fires at Zombie #2. Attk: 11 - Miss.
Action Surge (0/1 Remaining): 9 - Miss

Starkweather takes a five foot step and attacks w/ Poison Dart at Zombie #3. Attk: 22 - Hit. D: 7. Zombie #3 HP: 9/16. Poison Dart Use: 0/1 Remaining
Zombie Save: 17 - Success

Morrigan maneuvers and makes another Burst Attack in a line, targeting Zombie #2, #3, #4

Saves: Z2: 7 - Failure / Z3: 17 - Success / Z4: 15 - Success. D: 11. Z2 HP: 5/16

Zombie #2 breaks from pursuing Ozzie to charge at Morrigan. Attk: 22 - Hit. D: 7. Morrigan HP: 15/22

Zombie #3 moves and attacks Starkweather. Attk: 12 - Miss

Zombie #4 moves and attacks Ozzie. Attk: 20 - Hit. D: 5. Ozzie HP: 13/25

Round #3
Before the round begins, Lola makes a Dex Save vs. DC: 20 to break her bonds. Dex Save: 21 - Success. She frees herself and looks around for a possible spare blaster. Investigation: 21 - Success. She finds the bag containing her Slugthrower and goes to work loading the weapon.

Ozzie takes a step back and first casts Second Wind (Heals: 8 / HP: 21/25). He then fires at Zombie #4. Attk: Natural 20! D: 1+4 = 5. 5x2 = 10. Zombie #4 HP: 0/16 - Slain.

Starkweather takes a step back and attacks Zombie #3 w/ Blaster Rifle. Attk: 17 - Hit. D: 8. Zombie #3 HP: 1/16 Remaining

Morrigan attacks Zombie #2 w/ SMG. Attk: 24 - Hit. D: 9. Zombie #2 HP: 0/16 - Slain

Zombie #3 attacks Starkweather: 8 - Failure.

Round #4
Ozzie turns and fires at Zombie #3. Attk: 24 - Hit. D: 8. Zombie #3 HP: 0/16 - Slain

As a bonus action, Starkweather casts Administer Aid (¾ Remaining) on himself. Heals: 6. Starkweather HP: 24/25

As an action, Starkweather casts Administer Aid at range to Morrigan (2/4 Remaining). She is healed 8 points. Morrigan HP: 22/22

Morrigan breathes a sigh of relief and turns backs to the APC. Perception: 15 vs. 12 - Success. She immediately notices something is amiss as the side hatch is closed. Her eyes then flick to the driver seat before the vehicle begins inching forward.

“Get out of the way!” Morrigan shouts before moving to grab Starkweather and drag him to the side. Ozzie was able to step out of the way as the APC barrels past the scene, crushing one of the dead zombies in a dash towards the bridge. Ozzie began reaching for his blaster when a single warning shot fired from the treeline and hit the nearby railing of the bridge. That’s when the APC slowed and she appeared from the side. Lola ‘Beach’ Bunny took a few steps back towards the bridge as several Gun Bunnies emerged with slug and blaster at the ready.

“You got me out of the brig and delivered this fine APC to us. For that, I am thankful.” Lola held up a finger and signaled one of her men to approach so she could order him to fetch the party’s packs with rations and canteens.

“I swear on my honor that our group had nothing to do with your colony. Our true enemies are the Wolf Barbarians, but we will defend ourselves in the event that more of these head cases show up in our territory. As for you three, as long as you stay on your side of the bridge, I swear no harm will come to you.”

“What about your promise,” Morrigan said, “You would speak to your leaders about a truce.”

“I will, although I doubt they will entertain much beyond what I offer you here. North of this bridge is ours. That’s the only deal you’ll get from us at this time. What you should be concerned about are the Wolf Barbarians. They will offer you nothing but violence.” Lola turned away, confident that the party would not draw on her, and she was right. The party slowly collected their packs and slung their weapons as they watched several Rabbitfolk board the APC and head north. From the treeline, two smaller vehicles broke and fell in formation with the APC.

Morrigan spat on the ground, “Like hell she will speak to her bosses about a truce. They will continue to sneak south and steal what they can.”

“At least neither side was seriously injured,” Starkweather noted, “This could be a start, albeit a rough one.”

“Either way, I can’t imagine her people were involved in turning our colonists into these savage creatures,” Ozzie said, looking down at the bodies, “This is something else.”

Lamech Porterphase, Gnome Alchemist


Name: Lamech Porterphase
Race: Gnome / Class: Alchemist / Level: 4

Str: 13 / +1
Dex: 15 / +2
Con: 16 / +3
Int: 18 / +4
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 15 / +2

Str: +1
Dex: +2
Con: +5
Int: +6
Wis: +2
Cha: +2

AC: 14 (Reinforced Leather)
Ini: +2
PB: +2
HP: 36

Dagger: Attk: +4 / D: 1d4+2 / R: Thrown

Handcrossbow: Attk: +4 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Near

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Alchemy Kit, Formulae Book, Inkpen, Ink

Gnome: Darkvision. Gnomish Cunning. Artificer's Lore. Tinker (Firestarter)

Skills: Arcana: +6, Insight: +4, Investigation: +6, Medicine: +6, Nature: +6, Persuasion: +4, Stealth: +4 / Tool Kits (+2): Alchemy Kit, Healer's Kit

Feats: Skilled

Alchemical Resistance: Gain Resistance to Acid and Poison damage.

Attk: +6 / Save: 14

0: Acid Splash, Light
1st - Slots: 3: Absorb Elements, Armor of Agathys, Grease

Alchemy - A Character can also spend Extract Slots to power the following

Bomb (1 Free/Short Rest): 2d6 (Fire)

Mutagen (1 Free/Short Rest / D: 1 Minute/10 Rounds): Gain Claws that deal 1d8 + Int (+4) damage. +1 AC from hardened skin. 2d6 Temporary Hit Points.

Elemental Mutagen - While under the effects of a Mutagen, the character gains the following for the duration. Stoneskin (Constant); Flame Blade (1 Use), Thunderwave (1 Use), Wall of Water (1 Use)


  • Lamech Porterphase is the brother and fellow alchemist of Jubal Porterphase. Lamech is an independent Gnomish Alchemist living in the Dwarven Citadel of Karokin where he practices as only a nominal member of the citadel's Alchemist's Guild and avoid working with the Selentine Merchant's Guild (SMG).
  • While outwardly a typical Alchemist, Lamech has been working to perfect 'Mutagens' morphing his body with chemical enhancements and elemental magic. When he shifts, he becomes a cross between a bipedal wolverine with scintillating fur depending on which element he is currently using. Takes a toll on his clothing when his body shifts.
  • Having learned that his brother and a company of Dwarves have gone missing near the Halfling community of Fankerham has prompted Lamech to try and learn what has occurred. He has left in the company of a Halfling caravan that is returning home commanded by Katrianna 'Kat' Harper, a member of one of the prominent Halfling families that lives in the region.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

In For A Benny #2 - Forest Outpost


#2 - Forest Outpost 

After an extended period of driving without encountering anything, Morrigan slowed the hover transport as advanced radar detected objects in the distance.

(Ozzie gets a History check to recall this building: 13) - Ozzie recalls its a Cardania outpost. He has never been inside.

“It’s one of ours, but it wasn’t there when I last came through. Probably set up by Benny. They have their own fabrication unit that can prefab a structure like this.”

Morrigan looked at Ozzie and said, “This is an unmarked vehicle, we are supposed to go as travelers. Will they fire on us?”

“They’ll ask you to identify yourselves. As long as we pose as civilians, they should at least let us use the road. Keep an open channel.”

Morrigan starts advancing the transport towards the base with an open channel. She has a bad feeling about the situation. Starkweather could sense that her fur was on end, he longed to reach out and steady her, but he also worried about her reaction, it would undercut her in front of an outsider. Starkweather looked ahead and stared intently, signaling that he was taking the matter seriously.

Upper floor of the outpost has an assault cannon at the top that fires on the vehicle with a Burst. Morrigan makes a Reflex Save vs. TN: 12. Save: 13 - Success. She spotted the blasts before they began to charge up and made a successful vehicular dodge, avoiding the blasts.

Ozzie was up and reached for the commlink, he attempted to call off the attack: “Station ahead. This is the hover vehicle. We are unarmed and are not hostile! I am willing to give my credentials as a member of the Cardania Expeditionary Forces.” (Ozzie Persuade: 18 - Success.)

The station answered back, “Unidentified vehicle. You do not show up on our specs, however we are willing to give you a chance. Come to a halt at once and one of you step outside with hands up. Not even a sidearm.”

“You better slow down,” Ozzie said to Morrigan.

“You can’t trust them,” Morrigan said, “They’ve already shown they’ll fire on us.”

“I need to hear them out,” Ozzie said, “Let me do the talking, but be prepared to gun it if that fails.”

The hovertruck came to a halt as ordered and Ozzie was let out from the side door. As per instructions, he left his blaster rifle and pistol in the cab. His hands were up to show he was not a threat.

In turn, the door came open in the doorway was a grouse with a blaster pistol in her hand. Her coffee colored eyes scanned over the Otter before she spoke, “You armed?”

“They’re in the truck as you asked. I do have credentials I can offer if I can reach into my vest.” Ozzie said.

“Later. Did you come in with some rabbits?”

Ozzie blinked in surprise before answering: “Two, in fact, off-world rabbits who approached my commander for work. They work for us.”

“They didn’t steal this vehicle?” The Grouse shifted her weight and eyed the vehicle, “You sure they came from space and not from whichever hole they are hiding in?”

“All of their credentials show them as recent arrivals,” Ozzie said, “I’m sure I can get them to come in if you guarantee their safety.”

“You think they’ll disarm?”

“Probably want to keep their sidearms,” Ozzie said.

“Then I better come aboard and speak with whoever is in there. There’s been trouble on the road,” The Grouse said as she slowly holstered her weapon. She watched Ozzie nod, his hands still raised as he backed away and started back towards the truck, wondering just what had occurred that would make a commander so paranoid about some rabbitfolk.

The leader of the outpost was a grouse named Samuela, Lieutenant of the Cardania Expeditionary Forces and in command of the outpost. She wore a green kerchief around her neck and sharp, suspicious eyes when Starkweather and Morrigan appeared. Her outpost was crewed by breeds such as a Hogfolk and a Chickon nervously eyeing the two rabbitfolk, despite neither Starkweather or Morrigan being at all predatory. Ozzie did not recognize any of the crew beyond the identification stripes sewn into their clothing.

“What has got you nervous about my companions?” Ozzie asked.

“Earlier this week we lost communication with Benny Township. What’s worse, a signal scramble has been deployed over this area, making it impossible for a signal to get back to Barncombe to call for help. We have been holding here, hoping we’d learn what was going on in town, or meet a rescue convoy from Barncombe. Are you part of any convoys?”

“We are independent,” Ozzie said, “We were sent in to make contact with Benny.”

“We don’t know what is going on,” Samuela said, “The last party to come by were a group of Rabbitfolk, and they made it clear what they were after right away. They tried to get access to the base, claiming they were Benny residents. When we asked them to disarm, the rabbits drew and tried to fight their way into the outpost. We’ve had several members injured, at least two killed. They must have grabbed their dead if you didn’t see anything coming in.”

“Storm has made it difficult to see beyond the road,” Morrigan said, the first time one of the rabbit’s spoke and it drew a look from Samuela.

“We have captured one of the rabbitfolk and are holding them in our brig. That’s how we know they call themselves ‘Gun Bunnies’. They view themselves as natives of the planet and they are willing to attack anything, including Cardania forces operating here. They must have been from a previous colony ship that was unregistered when it arrived, or maybe they really are natives, given the sector name.”

“What were they using? Slugs? Blasters?” Ozzie asked. This was the first time he ever ran into hostile rabbitfolk on the planet.

“A combination of both,” Samuela said, “This one was packing a slug rifle when we caught her. The impact of the assault cannon had knocked her unconscious.”

“Can we speak to her?”

Samuela leads the group to a closet underneath the stairwell. On the side table was a semi-automatic slug rifle with its magazine detached and laying next to the gray colored longarm. Samuela unlocked the door while her attendant, the hog, kept a hand on his blaster pistol as the door opened in and Ozzie, Morrigan, and Starkweather along with Samuela saw a single female rabbitfolk sit on the ground, looking up at the group. Her fur had a soft golden coloring contrasting with a shade of cream. Her eyes flicked at the two rabbitfolk before she turned to Samuela.

“These your specialist interrogators hoping to get something from me?” Beach Bunny asked.

“This one has only given a codename,” Samuela explained, offering the name ‘Beach Bunny’ to the group, “As you can see she’s acting unphased about her predicament.”

“No point worrying when there’s only two ways out of this,” Beach said, “Either you release me, or I’m put up against the wall and shot.”

“She’s that confident we won’t handle her another way,” Samuela said.

“I know some bunnies who would put a real fear in me. You Cardanians care about your rules of engagement to do more than tie me to the post.”

“We want to know what your clan or group has done to our township.” Ozzie said, cutting through the banter.

“We have our own communities,” Beach replied to Ozzie, “We’ve only observed your town from a distance.”

“So your leaders wouldn’t try to attack one of our colonies?”

Beach looked away for a moment, considering her words, “Attack to destroy the colony and kill your people? No, we would never do anything like that…”

“But you hesitated,” Ozzie raised his eyebrow.

“We might have stolen a supply truck that wandered into our territory. We’re trying to survive between bands of wolf barbarians,” Beach replied, trying to keep herself honest.

Ozzie had heard enough and looked to either companions if they had anything to say.

Starkweather attempted to persuade Beach to reveal the rough strength of her warren. Persuasion: 10 vs. 8

“Just how strong is your warren?” Starkweather asked, rabbitfolk to rabbitfolk.

“Strong enough to stave off the wolf barbarians and your people if we need to. We can command a whole company of men ready to fight with blasters, slugs, and melee.”

Starkweather looked to Ozzie and Samuela, “Did you lose anyone in the attack?”

“One of my men was injured in the attack, I’m not sure about their side.”

Starkweather looked back at Beach Bunny, “Is there any chance returning you would broker a truce.”

“I would do what I can,” Beach said.

“We can’t simply release her,” Samuela said at Starkweather’s back, “She would say anything to get released. She’s possibly our only way to keep these bunnies from striking the outpost with her as a hostage.”

“We’re going into that area, it may be a good idea to operate without having to look over our shoulders,” Starkweather said. He looked to Morrigan and asked, “What do you think?”

“She may be the only way we can go into the zone without more rabbitfolk ambushing us. We’ll already be dealing with wolf barbarians and whatever else.” Morrigan spoke in support of Starkweather.

Ozzie agreed and said, “I want you to release her into our custody.”

Ozzie attempts to pull rank on Samuela: 10 vs. 5 - Success

Samuela narrowed her eyes and said, “On your authority sir. I’ll bring a bag for the gun.”

Neto Torani, Drow Arachnoid Stalker


Name: Neto Torani
Race: Drow / Class: Arachnoid Stalker / Level: 4

Str: 13 / +1
Dex: 17 / +3
Con: 14 / +3
Int: 14 / +2
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 16 / +3

Str: +1
Dex: +5
Con: +3
Int: +4
Wis: +2
Cha: +3

AC: 15 (Reinforced Leather)
Ini: +3
PB: +2
Perception: +4 / Passive: 14
HP: 38

Dagger: Attk: +5 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Thrown

Hand Crossbow: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Near

Wakizashi: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Melee

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Thieves' Tools, Tripwire, Mirror

Drow: Deepvision. Sunlight Sensitivity. Feyish Ancestry. Elven Senses. Cantrip (Dancing Lights)

Skills: Acrobatics: +7, Athletics: +5, Intimidation: +5, Investigation: +4, Perception: +4, Sleight of Hand: +5, Stealth: +5 / Tool Kits: Thieves' Tools (+2)

Expertise (Acrobatics, Athletics) / Sneak Attack: 2d6

Cunning Action: Dash, Disengage, Hide

Webbing (1/Round / Maneuver Roll: +5): As a bonus action, create a line of naturally sticky silken thread that acts as a temporary rope. This can perform minor feats withs either a Dexterity-based attack or an Acrobatics roll.

Venomous Strike: Upgrade Sneak Attack damage from d6's to d8's. When damage is upgraded, it counts as 'Poison' for the purposes of resistance and other factors.


  • Neto is an exiled Drow who escaped a Drow Priestess' attempt to turn him into a Drider at the cost of being partly infused with spider blood, allowing him to generate webs and create venom with a small amount of his blood or spittle on a blade or the tip of a crossbow bolt. He is a resident of Waterdeep, spending his time between Skullport and that one entrance near the Styes. Regions with connections to the Underdark (and away from the Drow City that still hunts Neto).
  • Neto has become a vigilante, targeting cults and street gangs that haunt the Styes. This part of Waterdeep is already run down, corrupted by the tendrils of the Cult of Tharizdun, Neto tries to find some meaning in his broken life by at least helping someone in the city. Right now, that someone are the poor and honest citizens of the wretched district.
  • Wears covering that hide his face. The last things most criminals or victims see is a pair of red eyes and flowing white hair.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

In For A Benny #1 - Introducing Morrigan and Starkweather


In For A Benny

General Idea/Purpose:

The setting takes place in a future where the ancient ones (Humans) have vanished and the stars are inhabited by genetically modified descendants that take on bestial traits. So bearfolk, ratfolk, rabbitfolk, and etc. Technology is based on particle accelerators (blaster tech) with slug weaponry typically appearing as either the medium pistol or hunting rifle. This looks at three adventurering types: Starkweather, his girlfriend Morrigan - both Rabbitfolk, and Ozzie Bleu, an Otterkind.

#1 - Introducing Morrigan and Starkweather

Benefice, Lepus-Major Sector

A scarred deep gray furred wolfhound by the name of Yeats met with the pair that had arrived willing to do independent work for Barncombe. The only civilized point on a planet of river land, forests, and hills. Temperate, which was a relief to the wolf hound, but rainy and a touch cold. It was a world that scaled types dreaded receiving a posting there. It was a world meant for furred types.

Yeats smoked a thin cigarillo when he met the two Rabbitkin that were standing in an open garage where one of the personal transports was being gassed up and fitted with a tracker by the planet’s satellite. The Commander walked over to the pair and acknowledged them with a nod.

Rabbitfolk. The female of the two was athletic, with tan and cream colored fur covering her body. She wore a simple reinforced vest over her shirt and a pair of utility breeches that were spattered with mud. The guards had not asked her to remove her blaster pistol, which was still tucked under her arm. The female’s name was Morrigan.

Standing behind her was a gray and white male who had to check his blaster rifle, but like Morrigan, carried a blaster pistol that hung from his hip like a gunslinger. The two stood together at equal distance from one another, an equal relationship, neither one seeing the other as a step ahead or behind them. They stood close, but kept their posture professional: hands to themselves, but their shoulders occasionally brushed together as they naturally swayed beneath the glare of the garage light. They drew energy from being close together.

The only person who directly reported to Yeats was Ozzie Bleu, who leaned against the side table. He had two-toned brown and pale creamy fur that was short and naturally slick to repel water, making him ideal to swim in the cooler waters of the Benefice’s central rivers. Benefice was ideal for Otterfolk like ‘Oz’. They were some of the first colonists to the planet from Cardania Prime, the glorious republic that both Yeats and Bleu held in high esteem and who had sponsored the first trek to Benefice within the Lepus Major Sector.

Yeats nodded at the introductions given by his adjutant, a fellow Dogfolk by the name of Kaiser, who walked away when Yeats gave him the nod. “What brings you two to Barncombe?”

Morrigan spoke, “Landed here a few days ago from Old Ashton, looking for work.”

Starkweather added, “We’re independent tradesmen, in-between jobs and very flexible.”

“I appreciate the flexibility,” Yeats said, “You know much about this planet?”

“It’s on the thin line between being a full state and a border colony,” Morrigan answered.

Yeats nodded, “To the galactic south and east, the Pleiadian Protectorate have set up the colonies. The Pleiades are not as belligerent as the Saurians, but they do have their own agenda, and that may include this planet. It’s why I want to hire some people to quietly investigate a nearby settlement that has stopped answering communications. It’s gone dark.”

“What else shares this planet?” Morrigan asked.

“Besides us here at Barncombe… the Benny settlement that we are sending you. The planet’s native population are wolfling barbarians, various tribes, some of them packing energy weapons or at least slugs, some of them using melee weapons and bows, but we’ve made an effort to try and maintain cordial relations. This would be the first time we’ve seen an aggressive pack if they were the ones to attack Benny. We want to prevent provocation by sending officially marked vehicles out into the wilderness. I’m told you know how to operate a hover vehicle,” Yeats said, looking at Morrigan.

“I know how to drive,” Morrigan said.

“You know how to drive, he knows how to heal, and Ozzie is one of my scouts who knows the region and is freed up at the moment. A winning combination if I ever saw one,” Yeats said, “I’m willing to pay standard contract rates. You perform reconnaissance and report back. If it’s an enemy threat, we need to know about it. We’ll pay a bonus on any premium information you can supply us.”

“Is there anyone we should try to contact while we survey the town?”

“Commander LaChance is my counterpart in Benny. Kaiser is getting the orders to give for Ozzie to present once you reach Benny,” Yeats snapped a salute to Ozzie, the only one who was under Cardania military jurisdiction and received a salute in return.

“What I am also concerned about is that Benny has decided to rebel and go independent. I pray that’s not the case, and if it is, then my sincere hope is that we can reason with the colony to return to us. An independent city would only be a target for the wolves or the Pleiadians. Good luck.”


The party leaves from Barncombe towards Benny in an unmarked hover transport with Morrigan at the controls. Starkweather was in the co-pilot chair, turned to face Ozzie who was laid out on a suspended cot in the cargo section of the cab. An evening storm created a gentle motion that carried through the vehicle. Starkweather looked at Ozzie with interest.

“Have you been on this planet for a while?” Starkweather asked.

“One of the first security units on the planet when we began to colonize it,” Ozzie said without looking up, “What brings you two out here?”

“Good place as any to settle down, I suppose,” Starkweather said, “Anything exciting around here?”

“Some of the farmers on this planet liked to brawl with one another, but we haven’t had any real trouble before Benny went off the grid. The last time I went out ranging was when we detected the first Pleaidian vessel in the area. I watched them establish their first outposts east of here. We never did find their main colony and slowly the outposts were abandoned.”

“Are they still on the planet?” Morrigan asked over the shoulder while keeping her concentration on the forward viewscreen and making sure the autopilot was functioning correctly. Morrigan wanted to be ready for manual controls in case a hostile threat attacked the vehicle.

Ozzie nodded, he shifted and sat up on the bunk in order to better look over the pair, “They are. They detected our established colonies and then pulled out. There are at least two separate continents on the planet. Plenty of room,” Ozzie said.

“You weren’t interested in taking part in any action?” Starkweather asked.

“I don’t mind boring,” Ozzie said, “Plus the wolf barbarians are plenty of excitement.”

“How dangerous are they?”

“They take their title as ‘barbarians’ very seriously. They also take their borders very seriously, and it can be a little gray where their borders end and our borders begin, especially on these roads.”

“Don’t you have an agreement with the wolves?” Morrigan asked before eyeing the exterior cameras, wondering if they were about to have contact with a canid threat.

“Some of the tribes, yeah, but not all of them,” Ozzie replied.

Encounter Check (1-in-8): 3 - No Encounter

Malachy Blackwrench, Dwarf Mechapilot


Name: Malachy Blackwrench
Race: Dwarf / Class: Artificer / Level: 5

Str: 16 / +3
Dex: 15 / +2
Con: 15 / +2
Int: 16 / +3
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 12 / +1

Str: +3
Dex: +2
Con: +5
Int: +6
Will: +2
Cha: +1

AC: 14 (Reinforced Coat) / 16 (Mech Suit)
Ini: +2
PB: +3
Perception: +5 / Passive: 15
HP: 45

Handaxe: Attk: +6 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Melee

Dagger: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Thrown

Pistol: Attk: +5 / D: 1d10+2 / R: Near

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Tinker's Tools

Dwarf: Darkvision. Resistance: Advantage on Save vs. Poison; Resistance to Poison damage. Stonecunning.

Skills: Athletics: +6, Intimidate: +4, Investigation: +6, Perception: +5 / Tool Kits (+3): Tinker's Tools, Vehicles (L)

Feats: Gunner

Infused Items (2): Homunculus Servant, Repeating Shot (Bolter Cannon)

Mecha: AC: 16 / HP: 28 / Strength Score: 16 (+3)
Special (Suit): While in the suit, the target is immune to poison damage, psychic damage, and all conditions unless the suit's HP is reduced to 0.

Weapon (Mecha): Bolter Cannon: Attk: +7 / D: 2d8+4 / R: Far
Power Spanner: Attk: +6 / D: 1d8+3 / R: Melee

Extra Attack: Make 2 attacks per round.

Attk: +6 / Save: 14

0: Light, Mending
1st - Slots: 4: Absorb Elements, Catapult, Jump + Shield, Thunderwave
2nd - Slots: 2: Invisibility, Magic Weapon + Dragon's Breath, Levitate


  • Malachy is a Dwarf Artificer with the Machinist Guild, trained to service and operate one of the 'iron suits' that his citadel maintains in order to give them the edge against Gnoll warbands that have gathered in the region since the fall of the human barony at Bone March and the siege of Ratik. The Dwarves have thrown all our the martial strength and ingenuity to stem the tide, including the inventions of the Machinist Guild.
  • With the Soldier background, Malachy is trained in Athletics and is capable of carrying simple and melee weapons in the field. Most of his time is spent in the controls of an iron suit and using heavier bolter cannon and power spanner.
  • Has been tasked with a select group to attempt to infiltrate the Bone March and learn what has occurred at Spinecastle, the capital of Bone March and to recover the body of Prince Alain as part of an alliance with the Barony of Ratik.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Erac's Medic, Human Medic


Name: Erac's Medic 'aka' Medic
Race: Human / Class: Medic / Background: Mad Scientist / Level: 4

Str: 14 / +2
Dex: 15 / +2
Con: 14 / +2
Int: 17 / +3
Wis: 15 / +2
Cha: 14 / +2

Str: +2
Dex: +2
Con: +4
Int: +5
Wis: +2
Cha: +2

AC: 14 (Reinforced Lab Coat)
Ini: +2
PB: +2
Perception: +2 / Passive: 12
HP: 35

Bonesaw: Attk: +4 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Melee

Syringe Gun: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Near

Dagger: Attk: +4 / D: 1d4+2 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Healer's Kit, Spectacles, Clothing (Artisan's; Healers), Syringe Gun, Medigun

Human: Gift: Begin play with 1 free feat.

Skills: Arcana: +5, Athletics: +4, History: +5, Investigation: +5, Medicine: +5 / Tool Kits (+2): Healer's Kit

Feats: Healer, Artificer Initiate

Medigun (R: Near / Charges: 6): Each round, a Medic may deliver a charge that heals target ally 1d4 + Int in points of damage. Each use builds up a charge of Uberpower which can then be deployed as a bonus action. A Medigun can recover half the charges, round up, with a short rest.

UBERCHARGE (R: Near / Meter: 0/10) At 10 charges, a Medic can cast Ubercharge as a bonus action. Target who receives is an ubercharge is healed 1d4 + Int and receives Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage until the target's next turn. The meter is then reduced back to 0.

Efficient Restoration (Healing Pool: 4d8 / # of Dice per Turn: 2): When using the Medigun, a Medic can spend a die from their Healer Pool up to their current proficiency and add the result to their Medigun use. These points are restored by a Long Rest.

Artificer Initiate 
Attk: +5 / Save: 13

0: Dancing Lights
1st - Slots: 1/Long Rest: Longstrider


  • Erac's Medic, also known as 'Medic' is one of the many agents who works for the mysterious magic-user, Erac. Per the agreement of working underneath the magician, Erac's Medic forsook his name and became simply known as 'Medic'.
  • Carries around a rare and wondrous magical item known as a "Medigun' which distills a strange red paste into a ray of healing energy that mends allies wounds. He also carries around a Gnomish built 'syringe launcher' and a bonesaw that he uses as part of his surgeries.
  • Was last seen in the Princely State of Waterdeep, in a strange universe where the City of Splendors has ended up in the Ulek States as one of several principality city-states. Medic is part of a group investigating a case of 'bluegill' condition in the Styes section of Waterdeep. Those with the 'bluegill' look appear to slowly be morphing into fish-like abominations.