Monday, April 8, 2024

Lat Arolagen, Ratfolk Artificer


Name: Lat Arolagen
Race: Ratfolk / Class: Artificer / Level: 5

Str: 12 / +1
Dex: 16 / +3
Con: 16 / +3
Int: 19 / +4
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 13 / +1

Str: +1
Dex: +3
Con: +6
Int: +7
Wis: +2
Cha: +1

Info: AC: 15 (Reinforced Leather) / Ini: +3 / PB: +3 / HP: 43

Rifle: Attk: +7 / D: 1d12+4 / R: Far

Dagger: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Thrown

Bottled Lightning: Attk: +6 / D: 2d6+3 / R: Thrown

Claws: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Melee / Special: Natural

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Glowrod, Commlink, Field Glasses

Traits (Ratfolk): Darkvision 60 ft. Enhanced Senses: Proficiency with Perception. Natural Weapon (Claws). Beasts Under the Sun: Can communicate with natural rats.

Skills: Arcana: +7, History: +7, Insight: +5, Investigation: +7, Perception: +8 (Passive: 18)

Grenades (3/Long Rest / Save: 14 for 1/2): Can hurl explosive charges that deal 2d6 force damage

Infused Items (2): Repeating Shot (Rifle), Replicate Magic Item (Bag of Holding)

Attk: +7 / Save: 14

0: Light, Ray of Frost
1st - Slots: 4: Alarm, Arcane Weapon, Catapult, Cure Wounds, Grease, Identify + Fog Cloud, Ice Knife
2nd - Slots: 2: Magic Weapon + Knock, Shatter


  • Lat 'Laddie' Arolagen is a Ratfolk Artificer and is sympathetic to the Resistance operating within the Imperial Expansion. Aiding slaves of the Magocracy to escape to the Free Worlds and resisting Imperial occupation of his home world.
  • Lat has an understanding of arcane magic via his training as an artificer. Of course, his branch of magic is not recognized by the power wielding citizenry of the Illysium Empire. He is not a proper Wizard, or even a blooded Sorcerer. He has harnessed his magic via invention, alchemy, and scrapping magical wonders to fuel his energies.
  • Is working to support Josephine Early's band of rebels who are working to try and get her brother and another rebel out of the city before the Imperials capture and hang them. This includes using his talents as an Artificer to create devices, not only for his use, but general magic items Early's rebels can use as part of their plan.

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