Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Suten-Rekh, Mummy Guardian


Name: Suten-rekh
Class: Mummy / Level: 10

Str: 17 / +3
Dex: 14 / +2
Con: 16 / +3
Int: 16 / +3
Wis: 16 / +3
Cha: 14 / +2

Str: +3
Dex: +2
Con: +3
Int: +3
Wis: +7
Cha: +6

Info: AC: 16 / Ini: +2 / Prof: +4 / HP: 85

Great Khopesh +1: Attk: +8 / D: 2d6+4 / R: Melee

Dagger: Attk: +7 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Thrown

Gear: Amulet, Headdress, Incense, Scarab of Protection

Traits (Mummy): Movement: Slowed. Ancient Knowledge: Begin play with Proficiency in either Arcana or History. Resistance: Advantage on Int, Wis, Cha Saves vs. Magical Spells and Effects. Curse of the Sands: Gain Thaumaturgy Cantrip. Can use Guiding Bolt (2nd Level; 1/Short Rest), Silence (1/Long Rest). Undead: Immune to Disease, Resistant to Necrotic Damage; Vulnerable to Radiant & Fire Damage.

Skills: Arcana: +7 / History: +7 / Insight: +7 / Intimidation: +6 / Medicine: +7 / Religion: +7

Channel Divinity: Rebuke Undead, Touch of Death

Reaper: Gain +1 Necromantic Cantrip. If the Cantrip targets 1 target, the spell can target 2 targets instead.

Inescapable Destruction: A Mummy's Channel Divinity (Touch of Death) power ignores Necrotic resistances, but not Immunities.

Divine Strike (1/turn): Once per turn, when a Mummy strikes a target, they can discharge a mote of necrotic energy, dealing a bonus 1d8 damage.

Attack: +7 / Save: 15

Mummy: Thaumaturgy, Guiding Bolt (1/Short Rest), Silence (1/Long Rest)

0 - Chill Touch, Guidance, Light, Resistance, Sacred Flame + Toll the Dead

1st - Bane, Detect Magic, Ceremony, Inflict Wounds,  + False Life

2nd - Hold Person, Locate Object, Spiritual Weapon

3rd - Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Life Transference, + Blindness/Deafness

4th - Divination, Locate Creature

5th - Insect Plague + Animate Death


  • Suten-Rekh is a Mummy whose Clerical energies have been tainted by Undeath. He has awoken after offering to be one of several mummies to stand watch over his order's temple until death. Several of his guardians were destroyed by tomb robbers, but they missed Suten'Rekh as they fled. He must walk the world to recover what was stolen.
  • Although his powers are associated with death and destruction, Suten-Rekh is drawn specifically to the tomb thieves and little else. He is not one to target mortals out of any sadistic drive, but will slay any who stand in his way.
  • Has a small stipend of wealth that he has taken from the temple in order to pay for men-at-arms and other agents in order to carry out his mission. He is a creature of his word, only bestowing curses on those who try and betray him.

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