Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Cosben 'Cos' Firecloud, Gnomish Locksmith

Name: Cosben 'Cos' Firecloud
Background: Gnome / Class: Rogue / Level: 1

Str: 11 / +0
Dex: 17 / +3
Con: 14 / +2
Int: 15 / +2
Wis: 17 / +3
Cha: 10 / +0

Str: +0
Dex: +5
Con: +2
Int: +4
Wis: +3
Cha: +0

Info: AC: 14 (Leather) / Ini: +3 / PB: +2 / HP:11

Dagger: Attk: +5 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Thrown

Club: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Melee

Pistol: Attk: +5 / D: 1d10+3 / R: Near

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Thieves Tools, Ammo Pouch

Traits (Gnome): Darkvision. Resistance: Advantage on Mental Saves vs. Magic. Tanker's Lore: Expertise with History (Int) when studying Alchemical, Magical, or Technological items. Inventor: Firestarter

Skills: Arcana: +5, History: +5, Investigation: +5, Perception: +7, Sleight of Hand: +5, Stealth: +5 / Tool Kits (+2): Thieves Tools (+4)

Sneak Attack (1d6): When attacking with surprise or by flanking, a Rogue deals bonus damage. 

Expertise (Perception & Thieves' Tools): Gain Expertise with two chosen items.


  • Cosben 'Cos' Firecloud is a Gnome with Primary Attributes in Dex and Wis, making him proficient in spotting trouble and picking locks, which is main function in the party, being a locksmith and boxman - a Rogue that specializes in picking locks over other actions.
  • Proficiency in Wisdom also allows the Gnome to access Wisdom-based magical runes, such as healing. Cos is not a Priest, he cannot cast actual spells, but he can empathically attune himself to magical items.
  • Is part of a crew under Robyn Aster, working out the streets and canals of the City-State of Tempest. Lately they crew has been hired to spy on a local Merchant and its Cos' role to break in as quietly as possible. He picks the locks, actual Rogues like Robyn actually slip in and grab the goods. What could go wrong?

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