Monday, August 26, 2024

Othorian Everspring, Sin'dorei Game Warden


Name: Othorian Everspring
Race: Sin'dorei (Blood Elf) / Class: Ranger / Level: 8

Str: 14 / +2
Dex: 19 / +4
Mind: 15 / +2
Cha: 16 / +3

Fort: +5
Ref: +4
Will: +2

AC: 16 (Reinforced Leather)
Ini: +4
Perception: 15
PB: +3
HP: 60

Falconer Breechloader (+1): Attk: +10 / D: 1d12+5 / R: Far

Scimitar: Attk: +7 / D: 1d6+4 / R: Melee

Dagger: Attk: +7 / D: 1d4+4 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Spyglass

Sin'dorei: Cantrip. Arcane Affinity (1/Short Rest): Gain Detect Magic. Darkvision.

Skills: Phys: +3 / Subt: +0 / Know: +0 / Comm: +0 / Surv: +3

Feats: Gunner, Mobile Combatant

Fighting Style (Archery/Range): +2 to-hit w/ Range.

Favored Enemy (+2 Damage; Advantage on Tracking): Fiends, Humanoids

Animal Companion (Unicorn) - Beast's Defense, Companion's Bond

Attk: +5 / Save: 13 / Mana: 38

1st - Cost: 3: Beast Bond, Cure Wounds, Hunter's Mark
2nd - Cost: 5: Beast Sense, Find Traps


  • Othorian Everspring is a Sin'dorei Game Warden working with the ghostly Court of Farondis to protect Azsuna wildlife, in particular its famous unicorns from poaching by outside humanoids and the remaining stranded fiends of the Burning Legion that continue to haunt Azeroth since the Legion crisis.
  • Carries one of the few Sin'dorei constructed firearms that was built off models brought back from the Dragon Isles. His weapon of choice is an enchanted Falconer Breechloader. This is trapdoor style rifle that fires either packed powder and shot or, when the shipment comes in, Draconium Cartridges. The rifle trades stealth for heavy penetration.
  • Animal companion is Meliander, one of the first unicorns to willingly approach the game warden during one of his patrols. With the feat, Mounted Combatant, Othorian has fought alongside and sitting atop of his companion while in the field.

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