Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Neto Torani, Drow Arachnoid Stalker


Name: Neto Torani
Race: Drow / Class: Arachnoid Stalker / Level: 4

Str: 13 / +1
Dex: 17 / +3
Con: 14 / +3
Int: 14 / +2
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 16 / +3

Str: +1
Dex: +5
Con: +3
Int: +4
Wis: +2
Cha: +3

AC: 15 (Reinforced Leather)
Ini: +3
PB: +2
Perception: +4 / Passive: 14
HP: 38

Dagger: Attk: +5 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Thrown

Hand Crossbow: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Near

Wakizashi: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Melee

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Thieves' Tools, Tripwire, Mirror

Drow: Deepvision. Sunlight Sensitivity. Feyish Ancestry. Elven Senses. Cantrip (Dancing Lights)

Skills: Acrobatics: +7, Athletics: +5, Intimidation: +5, Investigation: +4, Perception: +4, Sleight of Hand: +5, Stealth: +5 / Tool Kits: Thieves' Tools (+2)

Expertise (Acrobatics, Athletics) / Sneak Attack: 2d6

Cunning Action: Dash, Disengage, Hide

Webbing (1/Round / Maneuver Roll: +5): As a bonus action, create a line of naturally sticky silken thread that acts as a temporary rope. This can perform minor feats withs either a Dexterity-based attack or an Acrobatics roll.

Venomous Strike: Upgrade Sneak Attack damage from d6's to d8's. When damage is upgraded, it counts as 'Poison' for the purposes of resistance and other factors.


  • Neto is an exiled Drow who escaped a Drow Priestess' attempt to turn him into a Drider at the cost of being partly infused with spider blood, allowing him to generate webs and create venom with a small amount of his blood or spittle on a blade or the tip of a crossbow bolt. He is a resident of Waterdeep, spending his time between Skullport and that one entrance near the Styes. Regions with connections to the Underdark (and away from the Drow City that still hunts Neto).
  • Neto has become a vigilante, targeting cults and street gangs that haunt the Styes. This part of Waterdeep is already run down, corrupted by the tendrils of the Cult of Tharizdun, Neto tries to find some meaning in his broken life by at least helping someone in the city. Right now, that someone are the poor and honest citizens of the wretched district.
  • Wears covering that hide his face. The last things most criminals or victims see is a pair of red eyes and flowing white hair.

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