Monday, September 25, 2023

Barozall Rex, Scro Buccaneer


Name: Barozall Rex
Race: Scro / Class: Fighter (7)/Thief (3) / Background: Buccaneer / Level: 10

Str: 18 / +4
Dex: 16 / +3 
Con: 15 / +2
Int: 14 / +2
Wis: 13 / +1
Cha: 12 / +1

Str: +8
Dex: +3
Con: +6
Int: +2
Wis: +1
Cha: +1

Info: AC: 16 (Leather +1) / Ini: +4 / Prof: +4 / HP: 77

Cutlass +2: Attk: +9 / D: 1d6+6 / R: Melee

Starwheel: Attk: +7/ D: 1d10+3 / R: Near

Dagger: Attk: +8 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Thrown

Bite: Attk: +8 / D: 1d6+4 / R: Melee

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Rope, Grappling Hook, Thieves' Tools, Ring of Fire Resistance

Traits (Scro): Darkvision. Pack Tactics (1/Round): Once per round, gain the Advantage on a melee attack as long as the Scro is within 5 ft. of an ally who is not incapacitated. Glory Kill: Bite (Natural Attack) - 1d6 + Str. 4 times per Long Rest, a Scro who makes a successful bite also gains 4 Temporary Hit Points. These Hit Points fade either from damage or after a Short Rest. 

Skills: Athletics: +8 / Insight: +5 / Intimidation: +8 / Perception: +5 (Passive: 15) / Survival: +5 / Vehicles & Tools: Card Set (+4), Spelljamming (+4)

Fighting Style: Dueling - +2 damage when using a single, one-handed weapon.

Second Wind (1/Short Rest): Regain 1d10 + 10 in missing Hit Points

Action Surge (1/Long Rest): Gain 1 bonus action that round.

Multiattack: Can make 2 attacks per round.

Sneak Attack: 2d6

Cunning Action (1/round): Once per round, a Rogue can do the following: Dash, Disengage, or Hide

Fancy Footwork: On a melee attack against a creature, they lose their ability to make Attacks of Opportunity against the Pirate.

Rakish Audacity: Charisma Bonus to Initiative. When dueling a target without any allies within 5 ft. of target, the Swashbuckler gets a Sneak Attack even if they do not have the Advantage as normal. Other rules regarding Sneak Attacks apply.


  • Barozall 'Bar' Rex is a Scro Buccaneer aboard the Spelljammer Hammerhead class Falgan's Folly captained by the Human corsair, Drake Falgan. Barozall was one of several Scro companies that had decided not to join the Cult of Dukagsh at Gammaro Base to continue the Unhuman Wars against the Elves. Barozall still dislikes Elves, but is not dedicated to their destruction.
  • Operates out of the City-State of Welkis, one of several free planets that border Kingdom of Karad, a decadent realm of slavers, would-be conquerors, and treasure hunters. Falgan's Folly along with the fleets of the free planets are operating in a cold war against Karad, and as a corsair, the Folly is charged with stopping contrabands from moving in-and-out of the Crystal Sphere.
  • Has been asked to carry out a mission on behalf of the Elven Imperial Navy (E.I.N.) as one of their diplomats is believed to be a prisoner of the Chainmen and is expected to be sold to the Karad sometime in the near future.

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