Friday, September 15, 2023

Melchior, Corporate Agent


Name: Melchior
Background: Human 2.0 (Eugenic Humanoid) / Class: Face / Archetype: Pistolero / Level: 4

Str: 14 / +2
Dex: 15 / +2
Con: 14 / +2
Int: 15 / +2
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 16 / +3

Str: +2
Dex: +2
Con: +2
Int: +4
Wis: +4
Cha: +5

Info: AC: 14 (Synthweave) / Ini: +2 / Prof: +2 / HP: 26

10mm Handgun: Attk: +4 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Near

Monoknife: Attk: +4 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Melee / Special: Concealed

Stun Gun: Attk: +4 / D: Special / R: Near / Special: Fort (15) Save or Paralyzed for 2d4 rounds.

Gear: Credentials, Datapad, Binoculars, Cover Ident

Background (Eugenic): Darkvision. Controlled Psyche (Wis): Advantage on Wisdom Saves vs. any Non-hacking powers/abilities. Unfaltering Resolve (Cha): 1/Round, a Eugenic that fails a Charisma Skill by 4 or less may re-roll and take the second result.

Skills: Computer Use: +4, Insight: +4, Intimidation: +5, Investigation: +4, Perception: +4, Persuasion: +5, Stealth: +4

Cybernetics: Stress Analyzer

Point Shot: When attacking at 20 ft. (Close Range) with a single shot, one-handed weapon, gains a bonus +1d6 damage.

Bulletproof Ego: Gain an AC bonus to 1/2 Proficiency Bonus as long as the Face wears no or Light armor.

Double Your Efforts: A Face can make a DC: 15 (Perception) check to perform a bonus, non-Attack action

Hustle Pool (6 / Recharge: Long Rest): A Face has 6 points that they can spend to alter a d20 roll of their choice. These points recharge with a Long Rest.

Poker Face: Immune to Frightened and Charmed conditions.

Cognitive Empathy (Save: 13 / 1/round): Once per round, as an action, staring at a target forces them to roll a Charisma Saving Throw. On a failure, the Face can get a read on the target's surface emotions.


  • Melchior is a Corporate Agent and Fixer for Escalus Clan, the ruling Clan of Verona-Ventura Enclave within Saturn Beach. One of the only arcology enclaves hanging on the coast of the Drowned Peninsula. Far from the Northwest enclave called The Glow or up the coast to Noir City.
  • Clan Escalus is navigating a simmering cold war between Clan Capulet and House Montague. The three families are the triumvirate of owners that control 'Harlequin & Key Interactive Software' makers of romance and adventure sims that have brought the three families riches and power within the arcology. The only problem is that Montague and Capulet's feuding has included assaults and attempted assassination.
  • Melchior's role is to protect his boss, Brennadare 'Brenda' Urenna Escalus, the Matriarch of House Escalus. Melchior works alongside her nephews Valentine and Malcolm and is charged with, in addition to enforcing Escalus will, protecting her heir Paris for getting into trouble.

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