Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ghosts of Saltmarsh #1


Ghost of Saltmarsh Solo Run

Ruleset: D&D 5e
Oracle: One Page Solo Engine


“Four miles east of Saltmarsh, just inland of the old coast road stands the haunted house…”

After a chance meeting at the Snapline Tavern, our party has assembled and are chasing rumors about the Guisman Manor located east of town towards the border between Saltmarsh and the fetid hool marshes. Sticking out on a plot of land jutting over the ocean was the manor, and the tales that people had heard was that of ghostly lights and people vanishing when they lingered too close to Guisman Mansion. A good place for a group of adventurers to investigate. Our party is made up of the following:

Leonidas Mograine - The youngest son of the Mograine Clan, Leonidas has arrived in Saltmarsh from a ship out of Keoland and has decided to make his fortune as a sellsword.

Jaboli Tovrea - Jaboli is a Catfolk acrobat who has left the employment of the circus to become an adventurer. She originally hails from the Bright Valley Desert.

Staniwick ‘Stan’ Felmeter - Gnome Warlock who is a traveling tailor after his shop, Felmeter Fabrics, failed in the Gnomish city of Crullersburg, the City of Bakers, located in the Gnomish controlled Kron Hills. Stan possesses a certain set of powers from patrons he is reluctant to speak of.

Orlando de Vere - Orlando is a Half-Elf Bard and a master of Sea Shanties. He has grown up in Saltmarsh after his father was exiled from the Elven kingdom of Celene. Orlando’s instrumental talent is the pan pipes.

Brother Antos - Antos is a follower of Pholtus, Lord of Light and Moon’s Lover. He is the husband of Selune and his portfolio deals with the Light. As the two churches are allied, Antos lives in the temple of Selune as his order is not established in Saltmarsh. Other religions include Umberlee the Sea Queen, Valkur the Sailor, and The Holy Light. The latter is more of a concept that grants spells rather than a singular deity.

Following some rumors about the state of the mansion, the party leaves Saltmarsh and reaches to the ground of the Guisman Manor a little after sundown from the time the party left the fishing village to investigate the manor. The manor’s outer walls were broken in several places, with a pair of rusty old gates that marked the official entrance. The party got around and headed up to the main house, avoiding the front doors and circling around to the back, spotting a well and a back door.


“Do you know much about the owner of this house?” Jaboli asked Orlando as the group collectively looked over the broken and exposed framework of the building.

Orlando History: 13 - Average Success.

“Supposedly an Alchemist. A bit of a recluse from what everyone has told me. I wonder if he thought the scenic view would help him with his magic,” Orlando said.

“At least it has a big yard,” Jaboli said as she started towards the well.

Jaboli approaches the well where two venomous snakes are nesting in. She moves at an average speed, not believing she needs to sneak up on the well.

Snakes Stealth: 7, 18 - One puts out a warning hiss that Jaboli picks up, the other remains subtle and pressed against the rocks for cover.

Jaboli’s Passive Perception (16) also detects the corpses of several small mammals near the well. She is aware that something lethal is near the well. She picks up a rock and hurls one or two over the lip, eliciting a soft hiss from one of the snakes. She tries to provoke one of the snakes to reveal itself while signaling the part. Dexterity: 11 - The rock clacks across the surface of the well and tumbles below, but no luck bringing the snake out.

Leonidas volunteers, now made aware of the danger and approaches the well. He looks down just as one of the giant snakes uncoils and springs up.

Round #1 Initiative
Leonidas: 8 Clubs
Jaboli: Jack of Hearts
Staniwick: JOKER!
Orlando: 8 of Spades
Antos: 8 of Diamonds
GM: 10 of Hearts

Staniwick casts Eldritch Blast at Giant Snake #1. Attk: 22 - Hit. D: 7 - Giant Snake #1 HP: 5/11

Jaboli draws her shortbow and attacks while the snake is preoccupied with Stan. Attk: 12 - Miss

Giant Snake #1 slithers onto the ledge and strikes at Leonidas. Attk: 15 - Hit. D: 6 - Leonidas Save: 13 - Success. Poison D: 6. Final Damage: 12. Leonidas HP: 2/14

Giant Snake #2 slithers out from its hold and gets onto the ground, moving towards Staniwick.

Leonidas spends Action Surge and heals 1d10+1 (6). Leonidas HP: 8/14. Leonidas attacks Giant Snake #1. Attk: 17 - Hit. D: 14. Giant Snake #1 HP: 0/11 - Slain. He turns and moves to Giant Snake #2.

Orlando casts True Strike on himself and draws his pistol to aim at Giant Snake #2.

Brother Antos moves to Giant Snake #2 and attacks w/ War Pick. Attk: 14 - Hit. D: 10. Giant Snake #2 HP: 1/11.

Round #2 Initiative
Leonidas: 2 of Diamonds
Jaboli: Ace of Spades
Staniwick: 3 of Hearts
Orlando: 2 of Clubs
Antos: King of Hearts
GM: 3 of Spades

Jaboli slips towards a distracted Giant Snake #2 and Sneak Attacks w/ Claw. Attk: 18 - Hit. D: 10 - Giant Snake #2: 0/11 - Slain.

The second snake drops at the party's feet after Jaboli’s claws slashed along its backside. The menace to mammals, the massacre of mice has ended with the death of the snakes. Jaboli goes back to the well to look around and finds a strongbox at the base of the well. She grimaces about getting her fur wet, but she does find a box that contains 14 sp.

“Not much,” Jaboli said before handing the bag to Leonidas, “For your injuries.”

“I’ll be sure to buy you a glass when we get back in town, J,” Leonidas said.

“You're still hurt,” Antos noted, “May I?”

Leonidas nods and Antos casts Cure Wounds (8+4 - Full Healing Out of Combat = 12). Leonidas HP: 14/14


Starting from the well, the party makes a second perimeter sweep around the property. They find the entrance to the back patio, overgrown with vegetation. As a Half-Elf, Orlando gets a Perception check to possibly spot the back door.

Orlando Perception: 18 - He spots the back door through the overgrowth and notes it for the party.

The party continues, starting from the patio above Room #4 and circle around again until they reach the back door of the well.

Q: Does anything occur within the house during the trek?
A: No, looking through the windows at various points, the house appears to be quiet and desolate.

The party reaches the back door near the well again when the decision is made to go in. Jaboli makes a Perception roll on the back door.

Jaboli Perception: 24 - Success. She detects that there is a lock on the door. She tries to Pick Lock.
Pick Locks: Natural 1 - The pick breaks inside the lock and is jammed. Jaboli immediately tests the UD of her Thieves’ Tools (d6): 1 - Shrinks to d4. Her supplies have taken a loss and the remaining pick is jammed in the lock. She cannot try again.

Leonidas uses his crowbar to try and pry the door from the frame. Str Check: 17 - It certainly makes noise, but Leonidas successfully pries the door open. The party makes their way into the hallway at the north wing of the mansion. The party moves up to the first door on their right that leads into Room #9. Leonidas tries the door and finds it unlocked. He goes in first and finds Room #9 is the kitchen with a sink, cabinet, and stove. A set of stairs lead up to the second floor, and a door on the right leads into a different room. Leonidas moves towards the door on the right and tries that.

Q: Is the door to Room #10 locked?
A: No, it leads into the scullery where the pans are thoroughly cleaned.

At the same time, Jaboli stands behind Leonidas to watch his back. Orlando enters to watch the stairs along with Staniwick and Brother Antos. Orlando hears a rattling from the sink which draws his attention with the rest of the party.

“What would be hiding in a place like this?” Orlando asked.

“Nothing good in my opinion,” Staniwick said, “It’s something that fits down a sink drain.”

“It could be something underneath the sink here, like a scared cat,” Orlando said before kneeling to look at the cabinet beneath the sink. The skittering of dozens of legs climbing up the sink’s drain said otherwise.

“Get back!” Antos hissed.

Orlando disturbs a nest of giant centipedes. He gets a Perception to see if he is surprised and if the centipedes get a free attack.

Orlando Perception: 7 < 10 - He is surprised and one of the centipedes attacks him.

Centipede Attack: 22 - Hit. D: 3 - Orlando HP: 7/10 + Orlando Con Save vs Poison: 10 < 11 - Fail. Orlando takes Poison (3d6) damage: 12. 0/10 - Orlando drops. He is stable, but poisoned and paralyzed.

Round #1 Initiative
GM: 2 of Diamonds
Leonidas: Ace of Spades
Jaboli: 10 of Spades
Staniwick: 2 of Spades
Orlando: --
Antos: 10 of Diamonds

Leonidas hears the warnings. He moves across to engage Centipede #1. Attk: Natural 1 - Sword sticks into the stink’s siding and requires a move action next round to free it.

Jaboli moves and fires her Shortbow at Centipede #1. Sneak Attk: 21 - Hit. D: 11. Centipede #1 HP: 0/4 - Slain

Antos kneels and casts Cure Wounds on Orlando. Healing: 11. Orlando HP: 10/10. Orlando awakens, but remains prone, but retains the poisoned condition for the next hour.

Staniwick casts Burning Hands in a cone that strikes the remaining three Centipedes.

Dex Save (12) for ½
Centipede #2: Natural 20
Centipede #3: 13
Centipede #4: 12

All Success for ½ Damage. Damage: 7/2 = 3. Centipede #2 HP: ¼ / Centipede #3 HP: ¼ / Centipede #4 HP: ¼

Staniwick Slots: 0/1 Remaining

Centipede #2 attacks Leonidas: 13 - Miss

Centipede #3 attacks Leonidas: 18 - Hit. D: 5. Leonidas HP: 9/14. Leonidas Save: 24 > DC: 11 - Saves!

Centipede #4 slithers past and goes for Staniwick, but risks a parting shot from Leonidas.
Leonidas parting shot. Attk: 15 - Hit. D: 11. Centipede #4 HP: 0/4 - Slain

Round #2
GM: 4 of Diamonds
Leonidas: 3 of Hearts
Jaboli: 4 of Clubs
Staniwick: Jack of Clubs
Orlando: --
Antos: Jack of Diamonds

Staniwick attacks w/ Eldritch Blast at Centipede #3. Attk: 20 - Hit. D: 5. Centipede #3 HP: 0/4 - Slain

Antos moves up and to one side of the sink to get a shot at Centipede #2. Attk: 7 - Miss

Jaboli finds the field too crowded to shoot. She moves to drag Orlando away from the fighting.

Centipede #2 attacks Brother Antos. Attk: 22 - Hit. D: 3. Brother Antos HP: 8/11. Antos Save: 9 < DC: 11 - Failure. D: 9. Brother Antos HP: 0/11. He is stable, but drops due to paralytic poison.

Leonidas attacks Centipede #2. Attk: 23 - Hit. D: 11. Centipede #2 HP: 0/4 - Slain

The last centipede falls dead, but at a cost that both Brother Antos and Orlando are staring up at the ceiling. Their bodies paralyzed from the centipede poison that is coursing through their veins. The only positive is that giant centipedes prefer burrowing through the living, eating their insides with blood rushing around their maws. Both men were alive, they just needed time to heal. It was a case of finding a place to rest that was the problem.

“We need to find somewhere we can drag them too,” Leonidas said, looking to Jaboli, “Scout us a spot.”

Jaboli moves south from Room #9 and at fifteen or twenty feet from the door, comes across a western on her right side. She makes a Perception check (+6): 25 - Very Hard Success.

Jaboli finds the door is unlocked and is confident there are no traps on the door. She finds a bare dining hall with some broken furniture pushed to the side. The wood would make excellent fuel for the nearby fireplace. Jaboli moves and checks around the fireplace.

Jaboli Perception (+6): 22 - Hard Success. She finds the chimney clear, but bare of any good or ill surprises. She is confident she has found a spot the party can hold up and rest and goes to report it to Leonidas.

Leonidas and Jaboli half-drag Antos and Orlando into the fireplace while Staniwick arranges their bedrolls. Jaboli slips a spike underneath the door to wedge it shut, at the same time she offers to sleep near so that her keen senses will detect anything. Leonidas finds one of the shutters open and peers out into the darkness. At least they have a way to escape.

The party settles in for a Long Rest

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