Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Randolph Cushing, The Scientist


Name: Randolph Mortimer (R.M.) Cushing
Class: Scientist / Level: 3 / Title: Researching

Str: 12 / +0
Dex: 12 / +0
Con: 13 / +1
Int: 18 / +3
Wis: 17 / +2
Cha: 16 / +2

Info: AC: 11 (Clothes) / Ini: +0 / BtH: +2 / Luck: 11 / HP: 17

Revolver: Attk: +2 / D: 1d8 / R: Near / RoF: 2

Knife: Attk: +2 / D: 1d4 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Flashlight, Tool Kit, Cigarette Case

Deep Fear (Aquaphobia): Fear of large bodies of water.

1st - Slots: 2: Acoustic Scanner, Long Range Radio
2nd - Slots: 1: Minor Healing Drugs


  • R.M. Cushing is a former researcher from Darwich Royal University who has joined Sima Razavian's exploration team in the name of expanding new frontiers in science and technology. Also he could use the money to buy that coastal townhouse that his dear wife, Helen Cushing, has been eyeing that the college salary is not paying for.
  • Tool Kit includes both electronic and experimental pharmaceuticals. The electronics is from the assistance of his friend and colleague, Dr. Alexi Zorka. In exchange, Cushing has shared his notes on Regenerative Chemicals and hopefully more fascinating drugs that might come from studying the botanical life at the Hanging Gardens.
  • Is deathly afraid of large bodies of water. Rivers, pools of unknown depths, oceans - all of this makes Mortimer nervous. When heading back to Europe, Cushing is hoping to only endure one ferry crossing before taking the Princess Royale Express through the Balkans.

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