Thursday, June 6, 2024

Fijit Hildegren, Gnome Gunslinger


Name: Fijit 'Fij' Hildergren
Race: Gnome / Class: Gunslinger / Level: 6

Str: 14 / +2
Dex: 16 / +3
Mind: 17 / +3
Cha: 12 / +1

Phys: +8
Subt: +6
Know: +7
Comm: +6

Fort: +10
Ref: +11
Will: +10

Info: AC: 17 (Reinforced Leather) / Ini: +7 / BtH: +6/+1 / HP: 52

Long Rifle: Attk: +11/+6 / D: 2d6+2 / R: Far

Shortsword: Attk: +8/+3 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Melee

Dagger: Attk: +8/+3 / D: 1d4+2 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Toolkit, Powder Horn

Traits (Tinker Gnome): Low Light Vision. Small Size. Tinker: +3 to any mechanical checks, including detecting and disabling mechanical traps.

Attack Focus (Ranged): +2 Attack / +2 Damage when using a Ranged weapon

Cleave (Ranged): Dropping target to 0 HP with a ranged attack allows the Gunslinger to make an immediate attack at the same value against a second target that is nearby the first target.

Dodge: +1 AC and +4 Escape Artist checks to wiggle out of grappling.

Improved Initiative: +4 Initiative Score.

Multiple Attacks: May make a second attack at a -5 penalty. Current Bonuses: +6/+1

Rapid Reload: When not moving, a Gunslinger can rapidly reload their weapon, allowing them to make multiple attacks with a firearm. They may still take a 5 ft. step.


  • Fijit 'Fij' Hildergren is a Gnome Gunslinger who favors a rifled longarm as her main Iweapon. Her people were originally from the Silverridge Regency, which included both Gnome and Dwarf Clans, before her family moved to the nearby city of Lowmyst and lived in the Dwarf Quarter of the coastal city.
  • Is making her way to Wyrmhurst along the coastal road that crosses through the highlands and moors that border the Blackridge Mountains. One of the smaller villages along the moors have complained about Lizardfolk attacks that have drawn the interest of the party that Fijit is traveling with. They have found the initial Lizardfolk hostile and unwilling to parley with the party.
  • Is dating Zaphina Marblecheek, a female Gnome Rogue who, unlike other Gnomes, has an interest in sculpting over tinkering or artificery. Zaphina is accompanying the party as the second 'shortfolk' working with the group.

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