Friday, June 7, 2024

Black Leaf, Elf Rogue


Name: Black Leaf
Race: Elf / XP: 15 / Rank: Novice

Agi: d8
Sma: d6
Spi: d8
Str: d6
Vig: d6

Skills: Climbing: d6, Fighting: d6, Lockpicking : d6, Notice: d6, Persuade: d6, Shooting: d6, Stealth: d8, Streetwise: d4, Throwing: d4

Hindrances: Curious, Greedy (Mi), Quirk

Edges: Acrobat, Attractive, Danger Sense, Thief

Info: Pace: 6 / Parry: 7 (+1 - Rapier) / Tough: 5 (1 - Leather) / Charisma: +2

Rapier: Attk: d6 / D: 2d6 / R: Melee

Dagger: Attk: d6 / D: d4+d6 / R: 3/6/12

Bow: Attk: d6 / D: 2d6 / R: 12/24/48

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Thieves' Tools

Traits (Elf): Infravision. Sharp Reflexes: Begin play with the Acrobat Edge. Frail: -1 Toughness.


  • Black Leaf is an Elven Rogue from a realm north of the Darkwood. This cut off portion of the North is a land of temperate temperate regions, coasts, streams, and Stormrock River that separates the western and eastern portions of the north. Black Leaf is one of the Elven families that have left the isolated kingdoms within the Darkwood to settle with the Humans.
  • Hindrances include Curious, a minor form of Greed, and a Quirk involving her favorite colors of emerald and black. Her clothing is often shades of either color and her favorite gems includes onyx and emerald. These distinct marks have followed the Rogue's reputation.
  • Has arrived at Raven Farm as part of a party of adventurers that have arrived at Raven's Stead. A prosperous farm controlled by Lady Beatrice who believes her life is in danger by a notorious outlaw and has hired the party to deal with the man. Black Leaf has an eye on Dr. Agnew, Lady Beatrice's personal apothecary and physician.

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