Friday, October 13, 2023

Ernan Lonewood, Halfling Vampire


Name: Ernan Lonewood
Race: Vampire (Halfling) / Class: Bard / Level: 10

Str: 12 / +1
Dex: 18 / +4
Con: 14 / +2
Int: 15 / +2
Wis: 15 / +2
Cha: 17 / +3

Str: +1
Dex: +4
Con: +2
Int: +6
Wis: +2
Cha: +7

Info: Armor: 17 (Leather +1) / Ini: +4 / Prof: +4 / HP: 72

Rapier of Wounding: Attk: +9 / D: 1d8+5 / R: Melee / Special: Wounding (Con 15 Save) - Take 1d4 (Necrotic) damage each round until the character makes a Con Save to end the effect.

Dagger: Attk: +8 / D: 1d4+4 / R: Thrown

Bite: Attk: +8 / D: 1d6+4 / R: Melee

Gear: Bag of Holding, Pack, Canteen, Chime of Opening

Traits (Halfling / Vampire): Darkvision. Small size. Fearless: Advantage on Saves vs. Fear spells and Effects. Naturally Stealthy: Can hide in light cover and concealment. Beguiling Charisma: Gain Proficiency with Deception & Persuasion. Magic of the Night: Minor Illusion (Cantrip), Command (2nd Level, 1/Long Rest), Misty Step (Misty Step, 1/Long Rest). Undead: Resistant to Necrotic Damage, Immune to Disease; Vulnerable to Radiant Damage. Bloodthirst (1/Short Rest): Once per Short Rest, as part of a successful Bite Attack, a Vampire can add a bonus 1d6 (Necrotic) damage and gain an equal amount as temporary hit points. Sunlight Sensitivity: Takes 4d6 (Radiant) damage per round when exposed to Sunlight. At 0 HP, the Vampire turns to ash and dies. Suffers Disadvantage on attack, skill, and save rolls while under sunlight.

Skills: Acrobatics: +8 / Deception: +11 / Performance: +11 / Perception: +6 (Passive: 16) / Persuasion: +7 Sleight of Hand: +8 / Stealth: +8

Bardic Inspiration (3/Short Rest) - Can be spent to Inspire an Ally with a d10 Inspiration dice. Or spent to deliver Psychic Toxin in an attack for 5d6 damage.

Song of Rest: During a Short Rest healing phase, characters receive a bonus d8 hit points from the Bard's performance.

Countercharm: Can perform and provide an Advantage to the Bard and allies versus Fear or Charm spells and effects.

Mantle of Whispers (1/Short Rest): Can capture the shadow of a recently deceased creature, absorbing the energy to become a temporary disguise for the Bard.

Expertise: Gain Double Proficiency with the following Skills: Deception, Performance

Attack: +7 / Save: 15

0: Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Message, Vicious Mockery

1st - Slots: 4: Charm Person, Silent Image, Sleep, Tasha's Horrible Laughter, Unseen Servant

2nd - Slots: 3: Cloud of Daggers, Enthrall, Invisibility, Spider Climb

3rd - Slots: 3: Fear, Speak with Dead, Vampiric Touch

4th - Slots: 3: Freedom of Movement, Polymorph, 

5th - Slots: 2: Dominate Person, Modify Memory


  • Ernan is a Halfling Bard that has been turned into a vampire while adventuring through a haunted castle. He had been left behind, presumed for dead due to an exposure to a poison dart. It turned out, he was alive, but unfortunately, the vampire in question enjoyed the novelty of having a Bard and a Halfling as a companion, thus Ernan was initially turned into a Thrall before being released into a full vampire.
  • Ernan has escaped his master, but has learned the world of the living has somewhat closed to him. Ernan has come up with a plan to survive for a time, moving from hall-to-hall, offering his talents as a singer for lodgings or to endear himself before he takes a little blood from a nobleman's realm before fleeing once again.
  • Ernan is torn whether to seek out and destroy his old master, claiming the castle for himself, or finding a a Halfling heiress that he can seduce, turn into his companion, and live out in whatever Halfling abode she is living in. Ernan has found it seems more likely that he'll need to kill his master if he ever wants to find permanent residence.

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