Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Veldrane - Forsaken Death Stalker


Name: Veldrane
Race: Forsaken / Class Rogue / Level: 6

Str: 16 / +3
Dex: 18 / +4
Con: 18 / +4
Int: 15 / +2
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 13 / +1

Str: +3
Dex: +7
Con: +4
Int: +5
Wis: +2
Cha: +1

Info: AC: 16 (Leather) / Ini: +4 / Prof: +3 / HP: 65

Vicious (Short Sword +1): Attk: +8 / D: 1d6+5 / R: Melee; Vicious

Ripper (Shortsword): Attk: +7 / D: 1d6+4 / R: Melee

Throwing Knives: Attk: +7 / Dmg: 1d4+4 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Fungi, Rope, Lantern, Oil, Thieves' Tools

Traits (Forsaken): Darkvision. Cannibalism (1/Short Rest): Once per Short Rest, a Forsaken can consume humanoid flesh to heal a number of hit points equal to Level + Con. This amount healed can go above the character's maximum and become temporary hit points. Touch of the Grade: Does not need to sleep, requires only 4 hours of inactivity/rest. Will of the Forsaken: Advantage on Save vs. Charm; Immune to Magical Sleep. Undead: Advantage on Save vs. Poison, Resistance to Poison Damage.

Skills: Acrobatics: +10, Athletics: +6, Deception: +7, Intimidation: +4, Perception: +5 (Passive: 15), Stealth: +10 / Tool Kits: Thieves Tools (+6)

Sneak Attack: When attacking with surprise or by flanking, add 3d6 damage.

Cunning Action (1/Round): Once per round, as a bonus action, a Rogue can perform the following actions: Dash, Disengage, or Stealth.

Expertise: Acrobatics, Deception, Stealth, Thieves Tools

Uncanny Dodge (1/round): As a Reaction, halve damage from an attack that the Rogue can see coming.

Assassins' Intuition: When attacking with surprise, the Rogue can add their level in addition to Sneak Attack damage.


  • Veldrane is a member of the Forsaken Deathstalkers, the intelligence network and secret police of the Forsaken Undead that occupies Lordaeon. He is a member of Execution Branch, the blades of the Deathstalker that strike at their enemies both foreign and domestic.
  • Is a former Thief from Strahnbrad, Alterac before being exposed to the Plague and being one of the Scourge. Although he has some experience in mountainous Alterac, Veldrane has served from Hillsbrad to Silverpine Forest enforcing the will of Undercity and, originally, the Banshee Queen.
  • He is a loyalist of the Desolate Council and has volunteered to go undercover with The Orphans, a Forsaken offshoot that is attempting to find ways to contact the Dark Lady and restore Sylvanas Windrunner to the throne. His orders are to try and find how deep have the Orphans penetrated into Forsaken society and who is The Outcast. The mysterious leader of the Orphans organization.

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