Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Gunther Summerbell, Halfling Merchant


Name: Gunther Summerbell
Race: Halfling / Class: Rogue / Background: Merchant /
Level: 10

Str: 12 / +1
Dex: 16 / +3
Con: 15 / +2
Int: 17 / +3
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 17 / +3

Str: +1
Dex: +7
Con: +2
Int: +7
Wis: +2
Cha: +3

Info: AC: 15 (Leather +1) / Ini: +3 / Prof: +4 / HP: 72

Frostbrand Swordcane: Attk: +8 / D: 1d6+4 / R: Melee / Special: Resistance (Fire); Frost Damage: 1d6

Dagger: Attk: +7 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Thrown

Sling: Attk: +7 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Near

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Cooking Gear, Scales

Traits (Halfling): Small size. Fearless: Advantage on Save vs. Fear. Lucky: When rolling a 1 on an Attack, Skill, or Save, a Halfling may re-roll the d20 and take the second result. Nimble: Can move through the space of a creature that is larger than them without penalty. Resistance: Advantage on Saves vs. Poison; Resistance to Poison Damage.

Skills: Deception: +7, Insight: +10, Investigation: +11, Perception: +6 (Passive: 16), Persuasion: +11, Stealth: +7 / Tool Kits (+4): Cooking Utensils (+8), Thieves Tools

Feats: Chef

Sneak Attack (10d6): Bonus damage when attacking with the Advantage.

Expertise (Cooking Utensils, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion): Gain Expertise on chosen skills or tool kits

Cunning Action (1/Round): Once per round, as a bonus action, a Rogue can perform the following: Dash, Disengage, and Hide.

Uncanny Dodge (1/Round): Once per round, as a Reaction, a Rogue can reduce the damage by an attack they see coming by 1/2.

Evasion: When a Rogue makes a Dex Save for 1/2 damage, they take 0 damage on a success, and only 1/2 damage on a failure.

Mage Hand Legerdemain: Can make Mage Hand invisible and perform a number of precise non-combat actions using Mage Hand.

Arcane Ambush: When casting a spell with surprise, the target receives a Disadvantage on their Saving Throw vs. Spell.

Attk: +7 / Save: 15

0: Light, Mage Hand, Shocking Grasp
1st - Slots: 4: Charm Person, Comprehend Language, Identify, Sleep
2nd - Slots: 3: Arcane Lock, Knock, Locate Object


  • Gunther Summerbell is the owner of Summerbell Trading House. The trading house is a combination of inn and merchant's shop sitting on the southern road running from Saltmarsh and halfway between the fishing community and the infamous Guisman Manor.
  • He is a Halfling Rogue with a touch of magic, although they are focused more on divination rather than trickster enchantments or illusions. He does know spells like Sleep and Shocking Grasp for self-defense.
  • Gunther's swordcane has a Frostbrand enchantment, dealing a bonus d6 in damage and making him resistant to fire damage.

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