Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Fenthick Moss, Elf Cleric

Name: Fenthick Moss
Race: Elf / Class: Adept / Level: 2

Str: 13 / +1
Dex: 14 / +2
Con: 13 / +1
Int: 14 / +2
Wis: 16 / +3
Cha: 14 / +2

Str: +1
Dex: +2
Con: +1
Int: +4
Wis: +5
Cha: +2

Info: Ini: +1 / AC: 17 (Scale + Shield) / PB: +2 / AP: 11 / HP: 15

Mace: Attk: +3 / D: 1d6+1 / R: Melee

Shield Bash: Attk: +3 / D: 1d6+1 / R: Melee

Bow: Attk: +3 / D: 1d8+1 / R: Far

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Libram, Inkpen, Ink, Mess Kit, Holy Symbol / Wealth: 79 gp

Traits (Elf): Darkvision. Feyish: Advantage on Save vs. Charm; Immune to Magical Sleep. Sharp Senses: Proficiency w/ Perception.

Skills: History: +4, Insight: +5, Medicine: +4, Perception: +5 (Passive: 15), Religion: +4

Channel Divinity (Healing Points: 10) - Once per Long Rest, a Cleric can either Turn Undead or Preserve Life.

Disciple of Life: Healing bonus of 2 + Spell Level

Cleric Spells

Attk: +5 / Save: 13 / Mana: 6

0: Guidance, Resistance, Sacred Fire
1st - Cost: 2: Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Guiding Bolt, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith


  • Fenthick Moss is an Elven Cleric from a dimension that never heard of a city like Neverwinter, so any connections to any other Fenthick's is purely coincidental. Besides, this Moss expects to live a full life and not be burned to any stakes. Having said all of that, Fenthick is an Elven Cleric of the Holy Light and follows its precepts. His domain is the 'Life' domain, focusing on mercy and healing over the righteous retribution of the Light domain.
  • Fenthick is part of a company that includes his companion Paladin and friend, Cuthbert Truehammer. The Gnomish Rogue, Alias. The Tiefling Magic-User, Nindur. And lastly, the Halfling Ranger named Lucille Ives. He serves as the team's healer.
  • Is currently trying to take over the Old Island Fortress on behalf of the nearby Human settlement of Morgansfort. The Fortress appears to be divided between a group of slaving orcs and kobolds inhabiting the northern portion of the abandoned fortress.

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