Sunday, January 7, 2024

Jun Cloudguard, Pandaren Monk

Name: Jun Cloudguard
Background: Pandaren / Role: Monk / Level: 3

Str: 18 / +4
Agi: 16 / +3
Sta: 17 / +3
Int: 12 / +1
Spi: 16 / +3
Cha: 15 / +2

Str: +6
Agi: +5
Sta: +3
Int: +1
Spi: +3
Cha: +2

Info: AC: 16 (Clothes) / Ini: +2 / PB: +2 / HP: 27

Martial Artist: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+4 / R: Melee

Kukri: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+4 / R: Thrown

Kukri: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+4 / R: Thrown

Dagger: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+4 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Hearthstone

Traits (Pandaren):Resilience: Advantage on Save vs. Poison; Resistance to Poison damage. Gourmand: Proficiency with Cooking Utensils. Quaking Palm (1/Long Rest; Save: 13): Target must make a Con Save or be stunned for 1 round.

Skills: Acrobatics: +5, Insight: +5, Investigation: +3, Perception: +3 (Passive: 13), Stealth: +5

Martial Arts

Deflect Arrows (1/Round): Once per round, as a Reaction, a Monk can reduce the damage of an incoming ranged attack they see with a roll of 1d10 + Dex + Level (1d10+6). Reducing damage to 0 means the Monk has caught the ammunition and can hurl it back as a free attack.

Ki Powers
Ki Points: 3 / Save: 13

Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, Step of the Wind

  • Jun Cloudguard is an Islander Pandaren, meaning he grew up on the back of the great turtle, Shen-zin Su, also known as the Wandering Isle. One of the few enclaves that the Pandaren people settled before the great mist enveloped and hid the land of Pandaria away from the rest of Azeroth.
  • Like other Pandaren, Po is training as a Monk. His current entry is the more sly Windwalker Monk as an expert, rather than the more martialist Brewmasters or the mystical Mistweaver Monks. As Po gains level, he is capable of jumping between roles depending on how he wants to emphasize his talents.
  • Favors light, one-handed weapons. He currently carries a pair of kukris when not using unarmed martial arts as his weapons.

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