Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Allardyce, Mercenary

Name: Allardyce
Class: Fighter / Level: 4 / Background: Mercenary Veteran

Str: 16 / +3
Dex: 15 / +2
Con: 16 / +3
Int: 14 / +2
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 13 / +1
Str: +5
Dex: +2
Con: +5
Int: +2
Wis: +2
Cha: +1

AC: 17 (Assault Armor)
Ini: +2
PB: +2
Perception: 14
HP: 40

Auto Gun / Attk: +4 / D: 1d10+4 / R: Far / Special: Auto Weapon (Burst, Penetrating, or Rapid Mode)

Monosword; Attk: +5 / D: 2d6+5 / R: Melee

Grenade: Attk: +4 / D: 2d10+2 / R: Thrown / Special: Area (Dex Save: 14 for 1/2)

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Glowrod, Flares, Mess Kit, Commlink, Datapad

Skills: Athletics: +5, Intimidation: +5, Perception: +4, Persuasion: +3

Feats: Weapon Expert

Fighting Style (Defensive): DR: 2 vs. 1 marked target / Second Wind (1/Short Rest): 1d10+4
Action Surge (1/Short Rest) / Improved Critical: 19-20 / Brute Force: +2 Damage

Strategies: Enduring Strategy

# of Dice: 2 / Dice Type: d4 / Save: 13

Return Fire, Threaten

  • Allardyce is a 'gun-for-hire', 'sellsword' or any other title for private soldiers that work for various noble families at a time when known space is divided between petty and corrupt noble houses. A lowborn like Allardyce has only one chance at a comfortable life, and that's by serving as a gun.
  • Face is masked with only a few key factions knowing Alladyce's true identity. Allardyce possible served in Duke Romanov's Iron Corps before disappearing into private service. He is handy with a rifle, but his main favored weapon is a monosword.
  • Currently serving as part of a vanguard unit operating on Nublar. A verdant world where terrible thunder lizards roam and have been attacking colonies in the region. Allardyce is posted along with a unit of other hired guns to quell the dinosaur problem and make the world safe for regular colonization.

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