Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Nerva Pennyweight, Goblin Priest


Holy Symbol
Name: Nerva Pennyweight
Race: Goblin / Class: Priest (Sorcerer - Divine Soul) / Background: Envoy / Level: 5

Str: 12 / +1
Dex: 14 / +2
Con: 13 / +1
Int: 18 / +4
Wis: 15 / +2
Cha: 17 / +3

Str: +1
Dex: +2
Con: +1
Int: +4
Wis: +5
Cha: +6

Info: AC: 12 (Robes) / Ini: +2 / PB: +2 / HP: 27

Staff: Attk: +3 / D: 1d6+1 / R: Melee / Special: Reach

Dagger: Attk: +4 / D: 1d4+2 / R: Thrown

Moonbeam Wand: Attk: +6 / D: 1d10+3 / R: Near / Energy: Radiant

Gear: Pack, Waterskin, Rations, Holy Symbol (Holy Coin of Light), Lantern, Oil, Holy Water (x2)

Traits (Goblin): Darkvision. Best Deals Anywhere: Advantage on Haggling checks. Goblin Engineering (Jump Boots). Better Living Through Chemistry: Proficiency w/ Alchemy Kit. Time is Money (1/Short Rest): Once per Short Rest, grant a Bonus Action movement to an ally. They do not provoke Attack of Opportunity while using this ability.

Skills: Arcana: +7, Deception: +6, History: +7, Persuasion: +6 / Tool Kits (+3): Alchemist's Kit (+3), Forgery Kit (+3)

Feats: Ritual Caster

Sorcery Points: 5

Metamagic: Twinned Spell

Favored by the Gods (1/Short Rest): Roll 2d4 and add to a dice roll of your choice.

Attk: +6 / Save: 14

0: Guidance, Light, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy
1st - Slots: 4: Cure Wounds, Priest's Vestments (Mage Armor) + Bless
2nd - Slots: 3: Enhance Ability, Hold Person
3rd - Slots: 2: Counterspell, Protection from Energy


  • Nerva Pennyweight is a Goblin Priest and a Confessor of the Pennyweight Clan. He is a brother of Olybrius on his father's side, one of the airship pilots that made their fortune off the second war and now makes their money through banking and other ventures.
  • Is a Priest of the Church of Holy Coins. A branch of the Holy Light that draws their connection in a passionate belief in the light and wealth. Those who are wealthy are holy blessed, and it's through enchanted coins that such a Priest casts their spells. Nerva knows helping others (especially on mission) is a valid path to attaining wealth, making a lot of his spells buffing spells.
  • Is a member of the Steamwheedle branch of the Pennyweight's, making him neutral and factionless in terms of the great game on Azeroth between the Horde and Alliance. His travel papers allows him to operate in Horde and Alliance cities outside of the capital at a cost of having to insulate himself from suspicion if any trouble occurs. Nerva also acts as an envoy on behalf of the banking clan, using Persuasion and Deception to smooth any trouble between the Pennyweight's and other groups.

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