Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Churtan Trapmaker, Kobold Gadgeteer


Name: Churtan 'C.T.' Trapmaker
Race: Kobold / Class: Artificer / Level: 4

Str: 15 / +2
Dex: 18 / +4
Con: 14 / +2
Int: 16 / +3
Wis: 15 / +2
Cha: 13 / +1

Str: +2
Dex: +4
Con: +4
Int: +5
Wis: +2
Cha: +1

Info: AC: 16 (Studded Leather) / Ini: +4 / PB: +2 / HP: 31

Bolt Gun: Attk: +6 / D: 2d8+4 / R: Near

Glockenspiel Pistol: Attk: +6 / D: 1d10+4 / R: Near

Wrench: Attk: +4 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Melee

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Goggles, Derby Car, Binoculars, Toolkit, Electro-cycle

Traits (Kobold): Darkvision. Draconic Cry (2/Long Rest): Grant allies an Advantage on their attack rolls for 1 round. Defiance: Advantage on Save vs. Fear

Skills: Arcana: +5, History: +5, Investigation: +5, Perception: +4 (Passive: 14) / Tool Kits (+2): Repair Kit

Infusions (4 Known / 2 Infusions): Homunculus Familiar, Replicate Item (Bag of Holding)

Attk: +5 / Save: 13

Cantrips: Light, Resistance
1st - Slots: 3: Absorb Elements, Catapult, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Jump, Longstrider, Purify Food & Drink


  • Churtan 'C.T' Trapmaker is a combination of a Kobold Gadgeteer, Derby Driver, and Electro-Cyclist. If it moves fast on the ground, Churtan can drive it, fix it, and add continuous tracks to navigate difficult terrain. He carries both his kitbag and goggles whenever he is on the job, typically acting as a field technician for the Dolan-Shrub Rail Line that crisscrosses the Known World.
  • Has been asked by his immediate boss to take Mister Dolan's daughter, Louise Dolan, heiress to D&S Rail Line on a tour of the outer rail line that often requires a frontier technicians expertise. One Kobold, one human, and one derby car roughing it through forest and hillside that the tracks cut through.
  • Carries a Steinward Bolt Gun that's typically secured underneath the passenger dashboard and reveals itself with the draw of a handle. In addition to his bolt gun, Churtan has the skills to craft a number of technological items back at his home base at Galiano.

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