Monday, March 4, 2024

Fenner Caldwell, Gnome Grenadier


Name: Fenner Caldwell
Race: Gnome / Class: Grenadier / Theme: Soldier / Level: 4

Str: 12 / +1
Dex: 16 / +3
Con: 16 / +3
Int: 14 / +2
Wis: 15 / +2
Cha: 12 / +1

Str: +3
Dex: +3
Con: +5
Int: +2
Wis: +2
Cha: +1

Info: AC: 15 (Studded Leather) / Ini: +3 / Prof: +2 / HP: 40

Grenade: Attk: +5 / D: 3d6+5 / R: Thrown / Special: Area (Dex Save: 12 for 1/2)

Shortsword: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Melee

Grenade Launcher: Attk: +5 / D: 3d6+3 / R: Near / Special: Area (Dex Save: 15 for 1/2)

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Rope

Traits (Gnome): Darkvision. Resistance: Advantage on Mental Saves vs. Magic. Tinker's Lore: Proficiency in History (Int) dealing with Alchemy, Artificery, and Technological subjects. Tinker: Create small inventions with a 10 gp value. Current Invention: Firestarter

Skills: Athletics: +3, Insight: +4, Intimidation: +3, Perception: +4 (Passive: 14) / Tool Kits (+2): Demolition's Kit

Feats: Mobile

Fighting Style (Thrown Weapon): +2 damage when using a thrown weapon.

Second Wind (1/Short Rest): Regain 1d10 + 4 in lost hit points.

Action Surge (1/Short Rest): Take a second action in 1 round.

Superiority Dice: 4 / Dice Type: d8 / Save: 13

Ambush, Distracting Strike, Quick Toss


  • Fenner is a Gnomish Grenadier and Specialist within the Kepi Gnomes, the Gnomish protectorate force aids in the defense of the Regency of the Mountains along with their Dwarven kin. Unlike the heavy infantry and boar cavalry, Gnomes typically serve as Gunslingers and Grenadiers when not acting in the arcane service.
  • Often serves in a special detachment of Chosen Gnomes who at times detach themselves from the 95th Rifles to perform special duties on behalf of Intelligence Services through their field Spymasters. Chosen Gnomes are the militant tool used to ensure an operation such as a raid or extraction goes off.
  • As a Grenadier, Fenner provides area support to the rest of the rifles. His weapon is specially designed to lob grenades a greater distance than he can throw them. In addition to the projectile grenades, Fenner does have a set strapped to his body by bandolier for lobbing purposes as well as sapper charges to destroy fortifications and buildings.

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