Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Tristan, Half-Elf Gray Guard

Name: Tristan Leonis
Race: Half-Elf / Class: Paladin / Level: 7

Str: 15 / +2
Dex: 13 / +1
Con: 15 / +2
Int: 14 / +2
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 16 / +3

Str: +3
Dex: +1
Con: +2
Int: +2
Wis: +5
Cha: +6

Info: AC: 17 (Half-Plate) / Ini: +1 / PB: +3 / HP: 64

Greatsword +1: Attk: +6 / D: 2d6+3 / R: Melee / Special: Frost (+1d6 bonus damage)

Shortsword: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Melee

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Holy Symbol (Holy Light)

Traits (Half-Elf): Darkvision. Fey Ancestry: Advantage on Save vs. Enchantment; Immune to Magical Sleep.

Skills: Athletics: +5, Deception: +6, History: +5, Insight: +5, Perception: +2 (Passive: 12), Persuasion: +6, Religion: +5

Divine Sense (4/Day) / Lay on Hands (R: Touch / Heal Points: 35) / Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting

Divine Smite (1st - 2nd Level) / Divine Health / Multiattack: 2 Attacks / Aura of Protection (+3)

Oath of Vengeance: Channel Divinity (Abjure Enemy / Vow of Enmity) / Relentless Avanger

Attk: +6 / Save: 14

1st - Slots: 4: Bless, Compelled Duel, Divine Favor, Heroism + Bane, Hunter's Mark
2nd - Slots: 3: Find Steed, Magic Weapon + Hold Person, Misty Step


  • Tristan Leonis is a Half-Elf Paladin and Gray Guard who is the bastard son of the Elven Queen Celene and one of the ambassadors from a Human court that attended her. The matter was enough of a scandal that the Queen had the boy quietly raised in one of the other palaces in the greater Kingdom of Celene and Eldaglass where he was raised, trained, and serves.
  • Although he is a Paladin, Tristan's oath to the Order of the Gray Guard allows him to bend certain rules in order to pursue the greater cause of justice in rooting out the forces of chaos in the world. He has posed as a sellsword and even as a Blackguard in order to get in close to evil cells and slay them.
  • Loves a woman named Isolde, the daughter of another Human Lord which borders the Twin Kingdoms of Elvendom. Tristan longs to prove himself a fair match for the hand of the Lady Isolde before she is betrothed to another, even if that match means earning enough gold so that they can run off together. At present, Tristan has a sullied reputation both from the circumstances of his birth and the actions he has taken as a Gray Guard.

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