Thursday, April 11, 2024

Danielle Dusk, Tiefling Performer


Name: Danielle Dusk
Race: Tielfling / Class: Bard (3); Rogue (2) / Level: 5

Str: 14 / +2
Dex: 18 / +4
Con: 13 / +1
Int: 14 / +2
Wis: 13 / +1
Cha: 16 / +3

Str: +2
Dex: +7
Con: +1
Int: +2
Wis: +1
Cha: +6

Info: AC: 15 (Leather) / Ini: +4 / PB: +3 / HP: 33

Rapier: Attk: +7 / D: 1d8+4 / R: Melee

Dagger: Attk: +7 / D: 1d4+4 / R: Thrown

Katana: Attk: +5 / D: 1d10+2 / R: Melee

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Costumes, Disguise Kit/Makeup Kit, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Rope

Traits (Tiefling): Darkvision. Hellish Resistance: Resistance to Fire

Skills: Acrobatics: +7, Deception: +6, Perception: +1 (Passive: 11), Performance: +9, Persuasion: +6, Stealth: +7 / Tool Kits (+3): Dance (+6)

Cunning Action (1/Bonus Action): Dash, Disengage, Stealth / Sneak Attack: 1d6

Inspiration (3/Long Rest): Inspire, Song of Rest

Attk: +6 / Save: 14

0: Dancing Lights, Friends
1st - Slots: 4: Bane, Charm Person, Cure Wounds, Dissonant Whispers, Power Chord
2nd - Slots: 2: Spray of Cards


  • Danielle Dusk is a Tiefling Bard/Rogue who specializes in being a Rake - a boastful tease with a scandalous reputation that makes her a draw to the Gallow's Corner and the Hummingbird Corner Club. She is a temptress and expert at both dance and percussion performance.
  • Is actually deeply involved with her boss and friend's brother, Malcolm Early. She wished he'd get an honest job, or at least work for the Hummingbird rather than strike out on his own and mix up with rebels. Although she is a Tiefling, the blood of fiends running in her background, she might consider taking the audacious leap in marrying Malcolm, even running away with him if he decided to flee the planet from Imperial authorities.
  • Is a multiclass, meaning her Bardic talents are not as potent as Josephine's. Danielle still has a few tricks and access to Rogue abilities, such as Sneak Attack. With her training as a Rake, Danielle sometimes avoids striking vulnerable points, instead having her victims look into her fiery orange eyes and frighten them into submission.

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