Saturday, June 1, 2024

Village of Hommlet #9


Village of Hommlet #9 

The party returns topside to see that Morgan, Dalton, and Stan Deaver have recuperated and, among the items in Lubash’s storeroom was their gear. Morgan’s armor and her two swords. Dalton’s warhammer and toolbelt, and all of Deaver’s equipment which includes several boxes protected by complex locks. All three are thankful for the party’s help and offer to assist in any way that they can.

“I don’t know about the long term, but for now, we three would like to join or at least protect your camp. There are also several rooms that I’m sure we can use,” Morgan said.

“Just be mindful of the giant lizard who controls one wing of the house. He should not be touring the halls, but just give him a wide berth,” Maribeth said.

“Lizard?” Morgan asked, her brow raised. She was certain the party would have cleared out all threats. That’s when she got a good look at Esmerelda slithering through the secret passage and making her way to coil near the druid.

“Speaking of which, we could use your help with the ogre body,” Maribeth said, “The lizard should take care of that for us.”

“There is something in that storage chamber that I need as well,” Deaver said. One of the bags that had been left in Lubash’ case was opened and holding a long weapon that reminded a fighter like Tyris of a musketeer’s musket, except this version ended in a set of prongs rather than a standard musket barrel that fired bullets. Deaver slapped a power crystal into the center of the weapon, which awakened with a soft charging sound.

Jabeddo rolled his eyes, “This one’s fancied himself a real tinker.”

“You don’t invent things, friend?” Deaver asked.

“I prefer quieter marvels,” Jabeddo said but noted, “Did you make that shock rifle yourself?”

“Of course, I also made the wondrous object that those fools are keeping below.”

While Tyris, Morgan, and Dalton prepare to drag Lubash’ corpse upstairs for the giant lizard to dispose of, Deaver showcases his talent as a steam engineer by activating Deaverbot. This humanoid shaped construct was made of metal, glass, and crystal. It had enough strength to assist in dragging the body.

As Jabeddo put it…

“This guy’s one of those thinkers who has everything in hand until it goes wrong, and then it goes really wrong.” Jabeddo said, listening to the whirl of delicate construct gears as the lumbering, humanoid shaped construct approached and reached down to grab a portion of the dead ogre before lifting him.

General Strength Check: 17 - Medium+ Success. The body is dragged to the top of the stairs and left for the lizard.

Random Encounter Check (1-in-6): 5 - No Encounter

The party executes a Long Rest with their new allies assisting and are ready to descend below.

The party returns with no changes to the current roster. We have Deaver, Morgan, and Dalton on standby, but so far the party has been making good progress without extra bodies slowing the momentum. For now, the three of them remain top side, cleaning a part of the keep to serve as their camp all the while Deaver continues to perfect his robot.

The party continues on their original path, heading through Room #7, to Room #6, and into Room #1 of the dungeon. To the western wall of the room, the party finds piles of old barrels, sacks, and other debris that is piled against one side. The party’s collective Passive Perception detects that something interesting is behind the debris, which after a few minutes of having Tyris and Maribeth maneuver and push aside the garbage reveals two doors.

Jabeddo tries to check and unlock Door #2. Jabeddo Perception: 12 - No traps, there is a lock engaged on the door. Jabeddo attempts to Pick Locks: 10 - Failure

At the same time…

Donalbain makes a Perception check on door to Room #3. Perception: 17 - No traps. The lock is engaged and Donalbain detects the locks are new and oiled, which stands in contrast to the rest of the dungeon. He makes a Pick Locks check: 23 - Success! Donalbain picks the lock and finds Room #3 is filled with various polearms, black cloaks, arrows, and crossbow bolts. The equipment is stacked in proper order, further adding to the wrongness of the room when compared to the rest of the dungeon.

Jabeddo is unable to make another Pick Locks at this level, but Donalbain offers his assistance after unlocking the first door he was pitted against. Pick Locks: 23 - Success. Room #2 contains barrels of brandy, which has some value. It also contains shields, leather armor, and one set of fine chainmail that was imported from the Dwarven Regency. Both rooms contain enough gear to outfit a small warband and would spell trouble for a small community like Hommlet.

“Look at this,” Tyris said. She was the first one in after Donalbain and Jabeddo had finished getting the doors checked and unlocked. Some waited in the outer hall, Tyris, Donalbain, and Jabeddo were the first three to check the rooms to make sure nothing was lurking within. After they were satisfied that non killers were hiding the stacks, Tyris decided to pull one of the boxes. There was one crate dedicated to tabards that were sized for a human and had the image of a burning eye sewn into the front torso of the cloth. Tyris held up the tabard and asked, “Do you recognize this image?” She held the tabard to Maribeth.

“My hierophant saw those colors in her dreams - an eye wreathed in burning orange,” Maribeth said, “The Elder Eye.” (Maribeth History: 16 - Medium Success).

“This is the symbol of the Elemental Evil cult. This is the Elder Eye, the corruption of the elements.”

“Who is the ‘Elder Eye’?” Tyris asked.

“Tharizdun, the Old God of the Earth,” Maribeth said, quietly, “One of several Old Gods who even the vile gods worked with those of good and balance to imprison. These people must be in league with the cult.”

"They certainly choose a good place to stage this cult,” Donalbain said, “The dungeon of the very keep that was created to watch this area.”

The party packs the gear into the two rooms and Tyris makes a note to see if the merchants like Morgan or a craftsman like Dalton could do something with the gear. While the tabards were defiled by symbols of Elemental Evil, the polearms, ammunition, leather armor, and chainmail could still be utilized or at least sold.

The party performs a circuit through the room, rounding the staircase and then heading south towards Room #5. A dusty torture chamber with hanging chains, racks, and tables with iron implements made to get information from people. No one’s Passive Perception is high enough to automatically detect the blood trail that leads towards the pillar, and as per usual, Jabeddo and Donalbain see to the job at looking things over while others are on their guard. Maribeth also gets a check due to her Elven background.

Jabeddo: 13
Donalbain: 21
Maribeth: 19

Both Doanlbain and Maribeth spot the blood trail that leads up to the south pillar. From there, Donalbain finds the niches that indicate a secret door. He checks the door and finds that the pillar is hollow and leads to a staircase that forms a secret passage. The party is now faced with two directions they can go.

“Two directions?” Tyris asks aloud as she looks at the path, “Both of them from obscured doors, meaning they were never meant to be found by adventurers like us.”

“Blood is leading to this one,” Donalbain noted.

“Well, we might have a use for our friends at the top. Nine might be a crowd too many, but with a second path at hand, I think we might have use for them.” Tyris turned to her two Rogues and asked, “Who wants to work with the second team?”

The party closes up the pillar door in Room #5 and make their way back to the topside to meet with Morgan, Dalton, and Deaver. Mylon suggested that the party take over the Moathouse and turn it into their keep, a suggestion that amused Tyris, but she was not sure. She did not believe the group had the manpower to fill the keep. But with three more, including an Artificer and Craftsmen within the group, Tyris saw potential. It would require some work, jockeying for leadership at the keep as a whole, but Tyris saw potential to attract more citizens to the area and the nearby land was arable, it just required work. The entire river juncture could make a fine domain.

Back at the surface, Tyris met the three in the main dining hall. After looking through rooms, the three had taken over the old bedroom that the party had slept in previously before taking over the brigand camp.

“How would you like something to do?” Tyris asked, “I even have a party member to join up with you!”

Major Actions

Jabeddo joins Dalton, Morgan, and Deaver

Team 1 will head down the pillar staircase from Room #5

Team 2 will use the secret door that branched off Room #7

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