Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Shern, Telepathic Crustacean


Name: Shern
Species: Crab / Class: Warrior / Background: Outlander / Level: 5

Str: 14 / +2
Dex: 14 / +2
Con: 16 / +3
Int: 13 / +1
Wis: 13 / +1
Cha: 12 / +1

Str: +5
Dex: +2
Con: +6
Int: +1
Wis: +1
Cha: +1

Info: AC: 16 (Natural)
Ini: +2
PB: +3
HP: 49

Snip!: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Melee

Skills: Athletics: +5, Handle Animal: +4, Intimidation: +4, Perception: +4 (Passive: 14), Survival: +4

Telepath (Save: 12 (H)): Can communicate telepathically with target. Target may make a Saving Throw if they wish to resist listening to telepathic communication. A successful save blocks communication for 1 day.

Second Wind (1/Short Rest): Heal 1d10 + 5 hit points.

Fighting Style (Dual Wield) / Danger Sense (1/round): Once per round, as a bonus action, a Warrior gains the Advantage on a Dex-based Saving Throw from an attack or effect they can see.

Improved Critical: 19+

Defender (Bubble Shield / R: 30 ft.): Once per round as an action, target ally within 30 ft. receives a Bubble Shield which grants a Disadvantage to any attack roll made against the target for 1 round.

Martial Arts (Urchin Strike): Once per round, a successful natural attack causes natural toxins to enter the blood stream and deals a bonus 1d4 (Poison) damage.


  • Shern is an unusually intelligent crab that is capable of telepathic communication. He was part of a school of crustaceans that were swept up and held as prisoners and feed for Sahuagin forces operating near the Saltmarsh region of the Known World.
  • Was kept separate from the other crabs after it was discovered he possessed telepathic abilities. He was set for experimentation to try and unlock the secret of psychic powers when he was rescued by members of JEMCO. The company that had been fighting Sahuagin throughout the Saltmarsh region.
  • In addition to his telepathy and natural skills as a fighter, Shern is able to create a bubble shield that protects a nearby ally and turn attacks from striking. In addition to his defensive capabilities, Shern also possesses a pincer that deliver a nasty SNIP to a target.

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