Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Danton Lioncrest, Aasimar Cleric


Name: Danton Lioncrest
Race: Aasimar / XP: 0 / Rank: Novice

Agi: d6
Sma: d6
Spi: d8
Str: d6
Vig: d6

Skills: Climbing: d4, Faith d8, Fighting: d6, Know (Religion): d4, Notice: d6, Persuasion: d6+2, Riding: d4, Shooting: d6, Swimming d4

Edges: Attractive, Low Light Vision

Hindrances: Code of Honor, Outsider, Phobia (Rats) (Mi), Quirk

Racial Traits: Low Light Vision, Attractive, Outsider

Info: Pace: 6 / Parry: 6 (1 - Shield) / Tough: 7 (2 - Chain Hauberk) / Charisma: +2

Mace: Attk: d6 / D: 2d6 / R: Melee / Special: AP 2 (Plate Armor)

Dagger: Attk: d6 / D: d4+d6 / R: 3/6/12

Crossbow: Attk: d6 / D: 2d6 / R: 15/30/60 / AP: 2 / Special: Reload 1

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Libram, Inkpen, Ink

Skill Die: d8 / Power Points: 10 / Powers: 2

Bless/Bane (Boost/Lower Trait), Healing

Racial Feats
Energy Resistance
Req: Seasoned, Vigor d6+
Effect: Gain Armor 2 & +2 Resistance rolls vs. Acid, Cold, and Electricity based attacks and effects.

Inner Light
Req: Seasoned, Spi d6+
Effect: Gain 5 Power Points and the ability to cast Light as a spell. The die used is either the character's Spirit Dice or Spellcasting Die, whichever is higher.


  • Danton is a novice cleric of the Holy Light who grew up at the monastery at Alsobrooks, safe in the west and away from the wild frontier between the western nations and the Regency of Iron, the realms of the Dwarf Lords. He is an orphan with eyes that shine with the light of the heavens. He has the bloodline of celestials within him.
  • With the Attractive edge, Danton can charm and calm many with his good looks. However, he also has the Outsider hindrance, due to his background as an Aasimar. This typically is not a problem, but it is also difficult for him to hide his features if he is traveling in unfriendly lands. Not that he should worry while living in the monastery and the surrounding city, right?
  • Has a half-sister named Ophelia who lives east of Alsobrooks and has written to her brother to come and help her with a young woman whose father owns the manor that Ophelia works out of. Danton has decided to answer the call with a few other adventurers heading that way.

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