Monday, September 23, 2024

Voloscamp Rumrunner, Vulpine Gunslinger


Name: Voloscamp 'Volo' Rumrunner
Race: Vulpine / Class: Gunslinger / Level: 3

Str: 13 / +1
Dex: 18 / +4
Mind: 14 / +2
Cha: 14 / +2

Fort: +3
Ref: +4
Will: +2

AC: 16 (Studded Leather)
Ini: +4
PB: +2
Perception: 14 (+4)
HP: 25/25

Shortsword: Attk: +6 / D: 1d6+4 / R: Melee

Carbine: Attk: +8 / D: 1d12+4 / R: Far

Dagger: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+4 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Ammo Pouch, Powder Horn

Vulpera: Darkvision. Bravery: Advantage on Saves vs. Fear. Pack Tactics: Advantage on first attack roll when an ally is within 5 ft. of target and not incapacitated. Stealthy: Can make a Stealth attempt with only light cover.

Skills: Phys: +2 / Subt: +2 / Know: +0 / Comm: +0

Second Wind (1/Short Rest): Regain 1d10 + 3 hit points

Fighting Style (Marksmen): +2 to-hit w/ Ranged weapons.

Grit: 2 / Save: 14

Ironsights: Spend 1 grit to gain the Advantage on a ranged attack roll.

Fast Hands: Spend 1 grit point to ignore the reload property of the weapon.

Hindering Shot: Spend 1 grit point; target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or be slowed for a number of rounds equal to proficiency bonus.


  • Voloscamp 'Volo' Rumrunner is a Vulpine gunslinger and raider whose pack is known for attacking the V.C. (Victor-Corrigan) mining company that exploits the mountain regions that border the wastelands that Volo's people live in. The stolen gold is used to buy supplies and weapons for the Vulpine.
  • Got the name Rumrunner from a brief stint on a smuggler's boat before returning to the home badlands of his people. Very few Vulpine have a 'surname' or family name. Voloscamp is the only name that he was born with.
  • Favors a carbine and 'distance' shooting over a brace of pistols for up close work. As a Vulpine, Volo waits for a member of his 'pack' which can include non-Vulpine to engage in melee while he uses Pack Tactics to strike at range.

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