Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tordek, Dwarf Fighter


Name: Tordek
Race: Dwarf / Class: Fighter / Level: 3 / Specialty: Battle Master / Background: Mercenary Veteran

Str: 18 / +4
Dex: 12 / +1
Con: 17 / +3
Int: 13 / +1
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 14 / +2

Str: +6
Dex: +1
Con: +5
Int: +1
Wis: +2
Cha: +2

Info: AC: 19 (Chainmail + Shield) / Ini: +1 / PB: +2 / Perception: 12 (+2) / HP: 31/31

Battleaxe: Attk: +6 / D: 1d8+4 / R: Melee

Shield Bash: Attk: +6 / D: 1d6+4 / R: Melee

Longbow: Attk: +3 / D: 1d8+1 / R: Far

Silver Darts: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+4 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Torches, Oil, Mess Kit, Rope / Wealth: 137 GP, 5 CP

Dwarf: Darkvision. Resistance (Poison). Stonecunning.

Skills: Athletics: +6, Intimidation: +4, Persuasion: +4, Survival: +4 / Tool Kits (+2): Vehicles (Land), Three Dragon Ante

Second Wind (1/Short Rest): 1d10+3 / Action Surge (1/Short Rest)

# of Dice: 4 / Dice Type: d8 / Save: 14

Maneuvers: Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack, Sweep

  • In this universe... Tordek is a Dwarf Mercenary and a former member of the Bumble Creek Company before its leader, Sir Herbert Bumble, lost the company pay to gambling debts. Rather than go through with that plan to rob the paladin's castle by company members, Tordek and his adventuring companion, Zeldevion, jumped ship in Waterdeep to accept work from another adventurous Paladin named Alhandra.
  • Favors axe and shield, but he also carries a longbow, a unique trait when it comes to Dwarves, who typically prefer mechanical crossbows or guns. He's not a great marksman, but he has brought down a man at range when it called for it.
  • Currently dealing with the village of Nightstone, which was attacked by giants who lived in a menacing cloud castle. The primary concern right now is rescuing the civilians who had fled Nightstone during the initial attack and have become prisoners to a nearby clan of goblins.

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