Monday, October 14, 2024

Erac's Medic, Human Medic


Name: Erac's Medic 'aka' Medic
Race: Human / Class: Medic / Background: Mad Scientist / Level: 4

Str: 14 / +2
Dex: 15 / +2
Con: 14 / +2
Int: 17 / +3
Wis: 15 / +2
Cha: 14 / +2

Str: +2
Dex: +2
Con: +4
Int: +5
Wis: +2
Cha: +2

AC: 14 (Reinforced Lab Coat)
Ini: +2
PB: +2
Perception: +2 / Passive: 12
HP: 35

Bonesaw: Attk: +4 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Melee

Syringe Gun: Attk: +5 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Near

Dagger: Attk: +4 / D: 1d4+2 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Healer's Kit, Spectacles, Clothing (Artisan's; Healers), Syringe Gun, Medigun

Human: Gift: Begin play with 1 free feat.

Skills: Arcana: +5, Athletics: +4, History: +5, Investigation: +5, Medicine: +5 / Tool Kits (+2): Healer's Kit

Feats: Healer, Artificer Initiate

Medigun (R: Near / Charges: 6): Each round, a Medic may deliver a charge that heals target ally 1d4 + Int in points of damage. Each use builds up a charge of Uberpower which can then be deployed as a bonus action. A Medigun can recover half the charges, round up, with a short rest.

UBERCHARGE (R: Near / Meter: 0/10) At 10 charges, a Medic can cast Ubercharge as a bonus action. Target who receives is an ubercharge is healed 1d4 + Int and receives Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage until the target's next turn. The meter is then reduced back to 0.

Efficient Restoration (Healing Pool: 4d8 / # of Dice per Turn: 2): When using the Medigun, a Medic can spend a die from their Healer Pool up to their current proficiency and add the result to their Medigun use. These points are restored by a Long Rest.

Artificer Initiate 
Attk: +5 / Save: 13

0: Dancing Lights
1st - Slots: 1/Long Rest: Longstrider


  • Erac's Medic, also known as 'Medic' is one of the many agents who works for the mysterious magic-user, Erac. Per the agreement of working underneath the magician, Erac's Medic forsook his name and became simply known as 'Medic'.
  • Carries around a rare and wondrous magical item known as a "Medigun' which distills a strange red paste into a ray of healing energy that mends allies wounds. He also carries around a Gnomish built 'syringe launcher' and a bonesaw that he uses as part of his surgeries.
  • Was last seen in the Princely State of Waterdeep, in a strange universe where the City of Splendors has ended up in the Ulek States as one of several principality city-states. Medic is part of a group investigating a case of 'bluegill' condition in the Styes section of Waterdeep. Those with the 'bluegill' look appear to slowly be morphing into fish-like abominations.

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