Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Malachy Blackwrench, Dwarf Mechapilot


Name: Malachy Blackwrench
Race: Dwarf / Class: Artificer / Level: 5

Str: 16 / +3
Dex: 15 / +2
Con: 15 / +2
Int: 16 / +3
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 12 / +1

Str: +3
Dex: +2
Con: +5
Int: +6
Will: +2
Cha: +1

AC: 14 (Reinforced Coat) / 16 (Mech Suit)
Ini: +2
PB: +3
Perception: +5 / Passive: 15
HP: 45

Handaxe: Attk: +6 / D: 1d6+3 / R: Melee

Dagger: Attk: +6 / D: 1d4+3 / R: Thrown

Pistol: Attk: +5 / D: 1d10+2 / R: Near

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Tinker's Tools

Dwarf: Darkvision. Resistance: Advantage on Save vs. Poison; Resistance to Poison damage. Stonecunning.

Skills: Athletics: +6, Intimidate: +4, Investigation: +6, Perception: +5 / Tool Kits (+3): Tinker's Tools, Vehicles (L)

Feats: Gunner

Infused Items (2): Homunculus Servant, Repeating Shot (Bolter Cannon)

Mecha: AC: 16 / HP: 28 / Strength Score: 16 (+3)
Special (Suit): While in the suit, the target is immune to poison damage, psychic damage, and all conditions unless the suit's HP is reduced to 0.

Weapon (Mecha): Bolter Cannon: Attk: +7 / D: 2d8+4 / R: Far
Power Spanner: Attk: +6 / D: 1d8+3 / R: Melee

Extra Attack: Make 2 attacks per round.

Attk: +6 / Save: 14

0: Light, Mending
1st - Slots: 4: Absorb Elements, Catapult, Jump + Shield, Thunderwave
2nd - Slots: 2: Invisibility, Magic Weapon + Dragon's Breath, Levitate


  • Malachy is a Dwarf Artificer with the Machinist Guild, trained to service and operate one of the 'iron suits' that his citadel maintains in order to give them the edge against Gnoll warbands that have gathered in the region since the fall of the human barony at Bone March and the siege of Ratik. The Dwarves have thrown all our the martial strength and ingenuity to stem the tide, including the inventions of the Machinist Guild.
  • With the Soldier background, Malachy is trained in Athletics and is capable of carrying simple and melee weapons in the field. Most of his time is spent in the controls of an iron suit and using heavier bolter cannon and power spanner.
  • Has been tasked with a select group to attempt to infiltrate the Bone March and learn what has occurred at Spinecastle, the capital of Bone March and to recover the body of Prince Alain as part of an alliance with the Barony of Ratik.

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