Thursday, October 17, 2024

In For a Benny #3 - Escort Duty


#3 - Escort Duty

Samuela has released Lola ‘Beach Bunny’ to the custody of Ozzie, Morrigan, and Starkweather. Lola has provided the location of a bridgehead that is often under the observation of the Gun Bunnies. The party is hoping to exchange Lola for some form of parley with the leadership of the Gun Bunnies and secure at least a truce in respects to Cardania property, as well as information as to what has occurred at Benny.

Encounter Check (2-in-6): 1 - Encounter

Several figures, four in total, mill near the bridge as the APC pulls up. Morrigan slows to a halt, seeing this group is made up of dogfolk that are wearing simple street clothes suggesting they had come from Benny. The issue was their manner, a slow shuffle on the bridge, rather than a formation or even natural, albeit nervous patient of survivors.

“What do you make of this, Ozzie?” Morrigan asks the Otter.

“I don’t know,” Ozzie replied, “I’ll go and check. Starkweather.” The two men pass a tethered Lola as they step out the side door onto the ground.

The figures make a Perception check to detect the sound of an approaching Ozzie. Perception: 19 - They spot him.

Do Ozzie & Starkweather comprehend the danger ahead? Perception: 14 & 25 - Yes, Starkweather puts a hand on Ozzie’s shoulder to warn him.

The dogfolk are actually ‘Psycho Zombies.’ Creatures that have been transformed by experimentation into savage ferals. These creatures have escaped the confines of Benny and have been wandering the countryside, looking for food and carnage. One of the Dogfolk howls when they spot Ozzie and Starkweather, but neither are surprised.

Round #1 Initiative
Party: 19
GM: 16

Ozzie fires a Blaster Rifle at Zombie #1. Attk: 24 - Hit. D: 10. Zombie #1 HP: 6/16

Starkweather fires a Blaster Rifle at Zombie #1. Attk: 19 - Hit. D: 7. Zombie #1 HP: 0/16 - Slain

Morrigan moves from the driver seat out the side door and draws her Blaster SMG. She attacks the area with a burst. Targets must make a Dex 15 Save to Negate. Her attack targets an MBT (2d4): 7 - All three zombies must make Saves.

Z2: 17 - Success
Z3: 15 - Success
Z4: 13 - Failure. D: 11. Zombie #3 HP: 5/16

Zombie #2 rushes Ozzie and attacks with a club. Attk: 23 - Hit. D: 7. Ozzie HP: 18/25

Zombie #3 rushes Starkweather and attacks w/ a club. Attk: 14 - Hit. D: 7. Starkweather HP: 18/25

Zombie #4 rushes Ozzie and attacks w/ a Club. Attk: 7 - Miss

Round #2
Ozzie takes a five foot step and fires at Zombie #2. Attk: 11 - Miss.
Action Surge (0/1 Remaining): 9 - Miss

Starkweather takes a five foot step and attacks w/ Poison Dart at Zombie #3. Attk: 22 - Hit. D: 7. Zombie #3 HP: 9/16. Poison Dart Use: 0/1 Remaining
Zombie Save: 17 - Success

Morrigan maneuvers and makes another Burst Attack in a line, targeting Zombie #2, #3, #4

Saves: Z2: 7 - Failure / Z3: 17 - Success / Z4: 15 - Success. D: 11. Z2 HP: 5/16

Zombie #2 breaks from pursuing Ozzie to charge at Morrigan. Attk: 22 - Hit. D: 7. Morrigan HP: 15/22

Zombie #3 moves and attacks Starkweather. Attk: 12 - Miss

Zombie #4 moves and attacks Ozzie. Attk: 20 - Hit. D: 5. Ozzie HP: 13/25

Round #3
Before the round begins, Lola makes a Dex Save vs. DC: 20 to break her bonds. Dex Save: 21 - Success. She frees herself and looks around for a possible spare blaster. Investigation: 21 - Success. She finds the bag containing her Slugthrower and goes to work loading the weapon.

Ozzie takes a step back and first casts Second Wind (Heals: 8 / HP: 21/25). He then fires at Zombie #4. Attk: Natural 20! D: 1+4 = 5. 5x2 = 10. Zombie #4 HP: 0/16 - Slain.

Starkweather takes a step back and attacks Zombie #3 w/ Blaster Rifle. Attk: 17 - Hit. D: 8. Zombie #3 HP: 1/16 Remaining

Morrigan attacks Zombie #2 w/ SMG. Attk: 24 - Hit. D: 9. Zombie #2 HP: 0/16 - Slain

Zombie #3 attacks Starkweather: 8 - Failure.

Round #4
Ozzie turns and fires at Zombie #3. Attk: 24 - Hit. D: 8. Zombie #3 HP: 0/16 - Slain

As a bonus action, Starkweather casts Administer Aid (¾ Remaining) on himself. Heals: 6. Starkweather HP: 24/25

As an action, Starkweather casts Administer Aid at range to Morrigan (2/4 Remaining). She is healed 8 points. Morrigan HP: 22/22

Morrigan breathes a sigh of relief and turns backs to the APC. Perception: 15 vs. 12 - Success. She immediately notices something is amiss as the side hatch is closed. Her eyes then flick to the driver seat before the vehicle begins inching forward.

“Get out of the way!” Morrigan shouts before moving to grab Starkweather and drag him to the side. Ozzie was able to step out of the way as the APC barrels past the scene, crushing one of the dead zombies in a dash towards the bridge. Ozzie began reaching for his blaster when a single warning shot fired from the treeline and hit the nearby railing of the bridge. That’s when the APC slowed and she appeared from the side. Lola ‘Beach’ Bunny took a few steps back towards the bridge as several Gun Bunnies emerged with slug and blaster at the ready.

“You got me out of the brig and delivered this fine APC to us. For that, I am thankful.” Lola held up a finger and signaled one of her men to approach so she could order him to fetch the party’s packs with rations and canteens.

“I swear on my honor that our group had nothing to do with your colony. Our true enemies are the Wolf Barbarians, but we will defend ourselves in the event that more of these head cases show up in our territory. As for you three, as long as you stay on your side of the bridge, I swear no harm will come to you.”

“What about your promise,” Morrigan said, “You would speak to your leaders about a truce.”

“I will, although I doubt they will entertain much beyond what I offer you here. North of this bridge is ours. That’s the only deal you’ll get from us at this time. What you should be concerned about are the Wolf Barbarians. They will offer you nothing but violence.” Lola turned away, confident that the party would not draw on her, and she was right. The party slowly collected their packs and slung their weapons as they watched several Rabbitfolk board the APC and head north. From the treeline, two smaller vehicles broke and fell in formation with the APC.

Morrigan spat on the ground, “Like hell she will speak to her bosses about a truce. They will continue to sneak south and steal what they can.”

“At least neither side was seriously injured,” Starkweather noted, “This could be a start, albeit a rough one.”

“Either way, I can’t imagine her people were involved in turning our colonists into these savage creatures,” Ozzie said, looking down at the bodies, “This is something else.”

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