Thursday, October 17, 2024

Lamech Porterphase, Gnome Alchemist


Name: Lamech Porterphase
Race: Gnome / Class: Alchemist / Level: 4

Str: 13 / +1
Dex: 15 / +2
Con: 16 / +3
Int: 18 / +4
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 15 / +2

Str: +1
Dex: +2
Con: +5
Int: +6
Wis: +2
Cha: +2

AC: 14 (Reinforced Leather)
Ini: +2
PB: +2
HP: 36

Dagger: Attk: +4 / D: 1d4+2 / R: Thrown

Handcrossbow: Attk: +4 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Near

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Alchemy Kit, Formulae Book, Inkpen, Ink

Gnome: Darkvision. Gnomish Cunning. Artificer's Lore. Tinker (Firestarter)

Skills: Arcana: +6, Insight: +4, Investigation: +6, Medicine: +6, Nature: +6, Persuasion: +4, Stealth: +4 / Tool Kits (+2): Alchemy Kit, Healer's Kit

Feats: Skilled

Alchemical Resistance: Gain Resistance to Acid and Poison damage.

Attk: +6 / Save: 14

0: Acid Splash, Light
1st - Slots: 3: Absorb Elements, Armor of Agathys, Grease

Alchemy - A Character can also spend Extract Slots to power the following

Bomb (1 Free/Short Rest): 2d6 (Fire)

Mutagen (1 Free/Short Rest / D: 1 Minute/10 Rounds): Gain Claws that deal 1d8 + Int (+4) damage. +1 AC from hardened skin. 2d6 Temporary Hit Points.

Elemental Mutagen - While under the effects of a Mutagen, the character gains the following for the duration. Stoneskin (Constant); Flame Blade (1 Use), Thunderwave (1 Use), Wall of Water (1 Use)


  • Lamech Porterphase is the brother and fellow alchemist of Jubal Porterphase. Lamech is an independent Gnomish Alchemist living in the Dwarven Citadel of Karokin where he practices as only a nominal member of the citadel's Alchemist's Guild and avoid working with the Selentine Merchant's Guild (SMG).
  • While outwardly a typical Alchemist, Lamech has been working to perfect 'Mutagens' morphing his body with chemical enhancements and elemental magic. When he shifts, he becomes a cross between a bipedal wolverine with scintillating fur depending on which element he is currently using. Takes a toll on his clothing when his body shifts.
  • Having learned that his brother and a company of Dwarves have gone missing near the Halfling community of Fankerham has prompted Lamech to try and learn what has occurred. He has left in the company of a Halfling caravan that is returning home commanded by Katrianna 'Kat' Harper, a member of one of the prominent Halfling families that lives in the region.

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