Monday, March 25, 2024

Trajan Pennyweight, Goblin Alchemist


Name: Trajan Pennyweight
Race: Goblin / Class: Artificer / Archetype: Alchemist / Level: 3

Str: 12 / +1
Dex: 15 / +2
Con: 14 / +2
Int: 18 / +4
Wis: 14 / +2
Cha: 18 / +4

Str: +1
Dex: +2
Con: +4
Int: +6
Wis: +2
Cha: +4

Info: AC: 15 (Studded Leather) / Ini: +2 / PB: +2 / HP: 24

Spanner: Attk: +3 / D: 1d6+2 / R: Melee

Pistol: Attk: +4 / D: 1d10+2 / R: Near

Dagger: Attk: +4 / D: 1d4+2 / R: Thrown

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Tool Kit, Thieves’ Tools

Traits (Goblin): Darkvision. Best Deals Anywhere. Time is Money (1/Short Rest). Better Living Through Chemistry.

Skills: Arcana: +6, Insight: +4, Medicine: +6, Perception: +2 (Passive: 12) Persuasion: +6 / Tool Kits (+2): Alchemist Kit, Healer’s Kit

Magical Tinkering (Sunwand)

Infusion (4 / Infused Items: 2): Bag of Holding, Enhanced Defense

Experimental Elixir (1 + 1 per Spell Slot)

Attk: +6 / Save: 14

0: Acid Splash, Message
1st - Slots: 3: Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds Identify, Longstrider, Purify Food & Drink + Healing Word, Ray of Sickness

  • Trajan Pennyweight is a Goblin Alchemist and a member of the Steamwheedle branch of the Pennyweights, enabling him to travel as a factionless member at the cost of extra scrutiny from the Horde and Alliance and generally being barred from entering the capitals of Orgrimmar or Stormwind without special documentation.
  • He is currently in Westfall, escorting funds for the branches of Pennyweight Clan banks located in towns such as Westshire and Sentinel Hill, that latter which was rebuilt after that Defias attack during the Cataclysm. His job is simply the move the money to the locations and also inspect the books for any discrepancies.
  • Is traveling with two gunslingers, Delia Sharpe and Wes McCastlain, both roving Westfall with a treasure map on hand. Trajan is also traveling with Rolfir Deepstone, a Dark Iron Mage who is looking to close on some property in the region for a friend. Both Gunslingers are trying to interest the Goblin and Dark Iron to join them on looking in on the treasure map since Rolfir is an arcanist while Trajan's talents include magical healing along with other tricks. 

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