Sunday, June 23, 2024

Village of Hommlet #11


Village of Hommlet #11

We are back on team one, which consists of the following: Tyris, Donalbain, Maribeth, Zoey, and Mylon. Of the original group, Jabeddo is the only one who joined with the second team that were investigating the other side of the dungeon, and among the first group, Donalbain had a sense of separation anxiety that as a fellow member of the smallfolk, Mylon noticed.

“I just hope he’s safe,” Donalbain said as the party stood in front of the false pillar that he had discovered in the torture chamber. The one was connected to the outer hall where the zombies had confronted the group which were now strewn about the room thanks to the party. The party had taken a short rest to regain a bit of their power before splitting with the other group and approaching the pillar.

“I’m sure Jabeddo knows how to take care of himself,” Mylon said.

“I’m sure, but I just wish we spent a little more time with those prisoners before we allowed them to arm themselves and go off with our other Rogue.”

“And your best friend,” Mylon observed.

Donalbain tried to shrug, but the color in his cheeks and the little nod betrayed his emotions. Jabeddo was his friend, and now his friend was away and possibly in danger. Looking back, Donalbain had only pleasant acquaintances with the others.

“I guess it's as good a time as any to open this,” Donalbain said.

Donalbain takes his time and finds the niche to open the false section of the pillar that reveals a set of iron rungs that climb down into a tunnel. Tyris takes the lead, climbing first and followed by Donalbain, Maribeth, Zoey, and Mylon. The party moves through the tunnel with Mylon offering a Dancing Light in the shape of a set of orbs that drift alongside the party as they make their way around a corner and down a hallway before reaching a hidden doorway. At some point, Tyris changes spots with Donalbain so he can listen at the door.

Donalbain Perception: 12 vs. DC: 12 - Donalbain can hear shuffling in next room and alerts Tyris with a look.

Donalbain also tries to ease the door open by making a Stealth roll. Stealth: 16 > 10 - Success

Inside Room #14 is a crypt where several ghouls in tattered robes are dragging bodies and preparing them to be ‘deposited’ where the bodies are dragged off into a series of tunnels to be consumed by other ravenous undead, or in some cases, reanimated into another ghoul or zombie. None of these dark attendants hear the door slowly open thanks to Donalbain for Tyris.

Tyris steps through the door into the charnel house without alerting the first ghoul.

Tyris Stealth: 18 vs. 10 - Success

She attacks with a surprise slash that gives her the advantage, but alerts the other three ghouls in the room.

Tyris Attack: 20 - Hit. D: 4. Ghoul #1 HP: 18/22. Tyris spends a Maneuver Dice (d8): 2. Ghoul #1 HP: 16/22 and allows for Donalbain to move into the room next to her.

Initiative - Round #1
Party: 23
GM: 2

Tyris attacks Ghoul #1 w/ Longsword. Attk: 16 - Hit. D: 5. Ghoul #1 HP: 13/22

Donalbain moves to flank Ghoul #1 and attacks with Sneak Attack. Attk: 22 - Hit. D: 19. Ghoul #1 HP: 0/22 - Slain

Maribeth moves up to the entrance behind Tyris and Donalbain. Following behind her is Esmerelda, her viper companion.

Zoey casts Mage Armor (1st Slots ¾ remaining). She moves up behind Maribeth

Mylon casts Mage Armor (1st Slot ¾ Remaining). He moves up behind Zoey

Ghoul #2 charges towards Tyris and attacks with Claws. Attk: 16 - Miss

Ghoul #3 charges towards Tyris and attacks with Claws. Attk: 15 - Miss

Ghoul #4 grabs a rock and hurls it at Donalbain. Attk: 16 - Hit. D: 5. Donalbain HP: 18/23. The ghoul closes the gap with the Halfling.

Round #2
Tyris attacks Ghoul #2 w/ Longsword. Attk: 23 - Hit. D: 9. Ghoul #2 HP: 13/22. She spends a Maneuver Dice (2/4 Remaining) to sweep and hit Ghoul #3. D: 7. Ghoul #3 HP: 15/22

Donalbain spends Cunning Action for a free Disengage. He backsteps and attacks a distracted Ghoul #3 by hurling his Kukri at the undead. Attk: 21 - Hit. D: 11. Ghoul #3 HP: 2/22

Maribeth steps through, taking Donalbain’s spot and using her scimitar on Ghoul #3. Attk: 13 - Hit. D: 5. Ghoul #3 HP: 0/22 - Slain.

Esmerelda slithers out and attacks Ghoul #2 w/ Bite. Attk: 21 - Hit. D: 7. Ghoul #2 HP: 6/22

Zoey moves up to the entrance and fires a Ray of Frost at Ghoul #2. Attk: 13 - Hit. D: 6. Ghoul #2 HP: 0/22 - Slain

Mylon moves a step behind Zoey and wills his Floating Lights to glide into the room, giving everyone full visibility under the pinkish glow of Mylon’s illusory torches.

Ghoul #4 turns and attacks Maribeth. Attk: 17 - Hit. D: 7. Maribeth HP: 15/22. Maribeth Save: 19 - Success

Round #3
Tyris moves and attacks Ghoul #4. Attk: 20 - Hit. D: 4. Ghoul #4 HP: 18/22

Donalbain attacks Ghoul #4, who is distracted. Sneak Attack: 12 - Hit. D: 13. Ghoul #4 HP: 5/22

Maribeth slashes at Ghoul #4 w/ Scimitar. Attk: 9 - Miss
Esmerelda slithers up and bites Ghoul #4. Attk: 16 - Hit. D: 8. Ghoul #4 HP: 0/22 - Slain

The party fights their way out of the tunnel and into the crypt where several of the tombs that held the baron’s departed family, perhaps the baron himself, had been broken into. Sharp eyed characters such as Donalbain or Feyish types like Maribeth and Zoey can make out the tracks and marks that lead from the crypt into a rough tunnel that was 50 feet south of the group.

“It must lead into a warren that the ghouls have been running around in before either the scent of the dead or something else led them to burrowing into this crypt and grabbing the body,” Maribeth surmised as the body approached the warren entrance. The smooth worked stone gave way to rough, natural walls. There was nothing but shadowed corners was all that Maribeth could see.

“I think it’s more likely that someone within the Cult lure the ghouls here over them suddenly smelling the dead,” Tyris looked towards the eastern annex that connected to the main chamber. There were more coffins ready to be plundered, “Is there any way to close access to the warren?”

“Should we at least check inside?” Donalbain asked. The ghouls may have dragged in some treasure within.”

Tyris holds position inside the crypt, but does not stop Donalbain and Mylon, the smaller members, to check the warren. Zoey stands near the entrance to the warren so she can listen and call out if they are attacked and they need Tyris to enter. Tyris isn’t really interested in checking, but she will come if her party members are in peril.

The pair move south towards the center of bones and debris that let the pair know they have found the ghoul’s nest. In the center the nest, Donalbain finds the following:

7 Vials of Holy Water
800 sp
Potion of Undead Control
Scroll of Protection from Undead
4 gp

To Donalbain, the potion and scroll are just that, he is unaware of what he has found, but given the crystal vial and the feel of parchment, he knows to keep them close. The two report back to the party.

“Coins and stuff for us to identify later,” Donalbain reports.

“I can sense the power,” Mylon notes, “But we’d need to run some tests.” He held up several smaller vials, noting the symbol to St. Cuthbert pressed into the cork, “These might be holy water.”

“So the victims were ready from Undead, but they never got a chance to use them,” Tyris said.“Possibly fed to the ghouls by the cult, their gear left as some sick joke,” Maribeth said while petting Esmerelda.

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