Friday, June 21, 2024

Marlowe, Post-Apoc Merchant


Name: Marlowe
Background: Pure Strain Human / Class: Charisma / Level: 2 / Occupation: Merchant

Str: 11 / +0
Dex: 11 / +0
Con: 11 / +0
Int: 13 / +1
Wis: 13 / +1
Cha: 17 / +3

Fortitude: +2
Reflex: +2
Will: +1

AC: 11 (Undercover Vest)
Touch: 10
Flat Footed: 11

Info: Ini: +0 / BAB: +1 / AP: 9 / HP: 12

Stun Pistol: Attk: +1 / D: 1d6 / R: 50 ft. / Special: Touch; Stun (DC: 15 Fort or Paralyzed for 1d6 rounds)

Dagger: Attk: +1 / D: 1d4 / R: 10 ft. / Crit: 19-20/x2

Zip Gun: Attk: +1 / D: 2d6 / R: 15 ft. / Crit: x3

Gear: Backpack, Rope, Rations, Halzone Tabs, Canteen, Sleeping Bag, Gas Mask


Skills: Bluff: +9, Craft (Visual): +3, Craft (Writing): +4, Decipher Script: +5, Diplomacy: +9, Disguise: +5, Gamble: +4, Gather Information: +9, Handle Animal: +4, Know (Business): +5, Read/Write (Unislang): +3, Read/Write (Trade): +2, Sense Motive: +4, Speak Lang (Unislang): +2, Speak Lang (Ancient): +3

Talents: Fast-Talk

Feats: Market, Silver Tongue, Technology (Advanced, Post-Apoc, Primitive), Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Futuristic)


  • Marlowe is one of the nephews of Gorgal the Merchant and is an apprentice member of the Trade Guild that operates in the Tradelands. He has joined up with the task force that has been sent to check on the semi-permanent camp at Ebb that is a member of the Tradelands Alliance.
  • Is more comfortable talking, working bureaucracy, and occasionally playing cards than field craft. He knows to keep behind his protectors and has both an advanced stun pistol and a .38 zip gun for self-protection.
  • With the Feats 'Market' and 'Silver Tongue', Marlowe enjoys a 20% discount and a 20% markup when buying and selling respectively. He has those kinds of connections and charm when dealing with fellow merchants.

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