Thursday, June 20, 2024

Breachworld - Dogfolk



Attribute Dice: 12D
Skill Dice: 7D

MIGHT: 2D / 5D
WIT: 1D / 3D
CHARM: 1D / 4D

Perks: Keen Sense, Natural Weapon (Bite)
Complications: Personal Code (Loyal to Humanity)

Notes: Dogfolk are an alien species that have immigrated from an alternate Earth where strides in bio-technology led to the creation of a servitor caste that were served as slave soldiers to the tyrannical government. Although Dogfolk have escaped and settled in Breachworld, that ingrained sense of loyalty is still embedded within and they will often attach themselves to human communities. There is a breaking a point, where if a Dogfolk is mistreated they may strike back, or abandon an adopted community, but the urge to remain loyal to Humans is strong.

Sample Character

Name: Ralphie
Race: Dogfolk / Hero Points: 3

Might: 4D - Brawl: 5D+3 / Stamina: 5D
Agility: 3D - Dodge: 3D+1 / Handgun: 4D / Rifle: 4D
Wit: 3D - Track: 4D+1
Charm: 2D - Command: 3D+1

Bite: Attk: 5D+3 / D: 4D+3 / R: Melee / Special: Natural

10mm Pistol: Attk: 4D / D: 4D / R: Near

10mm SMG: Attk: 4D / D: 3D+2 / R: Near / Special: Full-Auto

Defenses: Block: 18 / Dodge: 10 / Parry: 12 / Soak: 16 (4 - Combat Armor)

Perks: Natural Attack (Bite) / Keen Sense (+2D - Scent)

Complications (Personal Code)


  • Ralphie is a Sergeant-at-Arms for a militia unit operating out of a border town in the Tex-Arkana region which is divided between mundane city-states of the Lonestar and Pecos region and the mysterious witches of the 'Arkana' river delta. Ralphie, like other Dogfolk, attach have a greater affinity for mundane humans and attach themselves to the Texan side.
  • Is a leader of other Dogfolk troopers while reporting to a Human command structure. Dogfolk, while not viewed as property like they were from their realm, are still kept at a distance and treated as lower class citizens. There are some humans who are sympathetic to the Dogfolk.
  • Is set to take part in another long patrol in the border region dealing with dinosaurs, bandits, and rogue 'arcanists' who threaten the safety of the border region.

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