Thursday, June 13, 2024

'Rogue', Half-Elf Bard


Name: Rogue
Race: Half-Elf / XP: 15

Agi: d8
Sma: d6
Spi: d8
Str: d6
Vig: d6

Skills: Climbing: d4, Fighting: d6, Notice: d6, Perform: d8, Persuasion: d6, Shooting: d6, Spellcasting: d6, Streetwise: d6, Swimming: d4

Info: Pace: 6 / Parry: 6 / Toughness: 6 (1 - Leather) / Charisma: +2

Hindrances: Curious, Greedy (Mi), Quirk

Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Charismatic

Traits (Half-Elf): Low Light Vision. Heritage (Human): Begin play with 1 free edge. Outsider (Half-Elf): Can be subject to prejudice from Elven and Human purists.

Rapier: Attk: d6 / D: d4+d6 / R: Melee / Special: Parry (+1)

Crossbow: Attk: d6 / D: 2d6 / R: 15/30/60 / AP: 1

Dagger: Attk: d6 / D: d4+d6 / R: 3/6/12

Gear: Pack, Canteen, Rations, Bedroll, Lantern, Oil, Mess Kit, Pan Pipes, Journal, Inkpen, Ink, Spellbook

Casting Die: d6 / Power Points: 10

Boost/Lower Trait, Burst, Confusion, Healing


  • The mysterious mister 'Rogue' is a Half-Elven Bard who plays the pan pipes when not performing other tasks such as subterfuge or spellcasting as a jack-of-all-trades Bard.
  • His full face has never been exposed, typically hidden under a mask and blue cloak that he wears with his gear. The only reason anyone knows his origin is due to seeing his thicker build complimented by an Elvish grace. He does lack the reflexes of a pure Elf, but he is still quick and has a sharp sense about him.
  • Studied at the Bardic College at Kinhill, where a number of codices focusing on magical items is stored in the dungeon vaults beneath the college. If there is something Rogue doesn't know, he can always ride back to try and learn of whatever item he has unearthed.

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