Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Colt, Dogfolk Freelancer


Name: Colt
Background: Dogfolk / Hero Points: 3

Might: 3D+2 - Brawl: 4D+2, Melee: 4D+2

Agility: 3D+1 - Rifle: 4D+1

Wit: 3D - Search: 4D, Survive: 4D, Track: 4D

Charm: 2D - Intimidate: 3D

Defenses: Block: 14 / Dodge: 10 / Parry: 14 / Soak: 15 (Light Combat Armor)

Las Rifle: Attk: 4D+1 / D: 4D+2 / R: Far

Vibroknife: Attk: 4D+2 / D: 5D+2 / R: Melee

Grenades: Attk: 3D+1 / D: 6D / R: Thrown

Bite: Attk: 4D+2 / D: 4D+2 / R: Melee

Slug Pistol: Attk: 3D+1 / D: 4D / R: Near

Gear: Pack, Commlink, Rations, Glow Rod, Detpack
Perks: Keen Sense (Scent) / Complication: Loyal

  • Colt is a Dogfolk. A canine-humanoid hybrid grown in a lab to act as fodder. While most Dogfolk are content with their lot, there are a few 'ferals' who break free of their masters to work for themselves. These 'feral' Dogfolk are viewed as traitors by their kind.
  • Is working with a Saloon Girl named Mara Newberry as her bodyguard and enforcer. The two are involved searching a number of independent forts in the Kansas Freeholds, searching for one of them that contains a vault of pre-fall gear. Mara received the job after relieving a drunken customer of his datapad and vault key that he received from the benefactor.
  • As a Dogfolk, Colt is both a trained solider and sensitive to supernatural powers and psionics. He gets a free roll when in the presence of a Psychic or Supernatural being and instinctively knows what form of powers (Psionics or Magic) that they wield.

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