Monday, July 1, 2024

Nimitz, Bio-Soldier


Name: 'Nimitz'
Class: Bionic Soldier / Hero Points: 3

Might: 3D+1 - Brawl: 4D+1, Melee: 4D+1

Agility: 3D+1 - Dodge: 4D+1, Rifle: 4D+1, Stealth: 4D+1

Wit: 3D+1 - Search: 4D+1

Charm: 2D -

Def: Block: 13 / Dodge: 13 / Parry: 13 / Soak: 15 (Operator Armor)

Las Rifle: Attk: 4D+1 / D: 4d+2 / R: Far

Slug Pistol: Attk: 3D+1 / D: 4D / R: Nea

Martial Arts: Attk: 5D+1 / D: 4D+1 / R: Melee

Monosword: Attk: 4D+1 / D: 6D+1 / R: Melee


Fast Reactions (1) - Gain +3 on Initiative rolls; 3x per Adventure gain a bonus action without spending any skill dice.


  • Nimitz is a Bionic Soldier. His body is enhanced via cybernetic augmentation that makes him more machine than man. He lives for the thrill of combat and the satisfaction of being a professional soldier over other pleasures.
  • Cybernetic enhancements include lungs, legs, arm, and a layer of sub skin armor. His lungs make him near immune to poisons as they filter any toxins he breathes. His legs give him speed and a natural reaction to threats that come up.
  • Currently operating in the temporally unstable region around Washington D.C. as part of a salvage operation. The release of arcane energies makes it dangerous for non-augmented humans to work in.

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